and empowered, without the said James West's obtaining
the assent of two-thirds of his creditors, to extend and afford to the
said James West, all the benefits, advantages and provisions, of the
act of assembly passed at November session eighteen hundred and
five, * entitled, An act for the relief of sundry insolvent debtors,
and of the supplement thereto, in the same manner, and upon the
same terms and conditions, as if the said James West had obtained
the assent of two-thirds of his creditors to his release under the
same. |
CHAP. 36.
* Ch. 119. |
An Act for the sale of the Real Estate of James Winchester, late
of Baltimore
County deceased. Lib.
TH. No. 1, fol. 339. A Private Act. |
Passed Jan. 15, 1808. |
A Supplement to an act † to establish a Bank, and incorporate
a Company,
under the name of The Farmers Bank of Maryland, and
other purposes. Lib. TH. No. 1, fol. 342. |
Passed Jan. 15, 1808.
† 1807, ch. 61. |
WHEREAS a memorial has been presented to the legislature
by a
number of stockholders of the Farmers Bank of Maryland, and
other citizens, residing in Frederick county, praying the establishment
of a branch of the said bank at Frederick-town, in said county;
and the president and directors of the said bank having also,
by their memorial, signified their assent thereto, and joined in the
said prayer: And whereas it is the opinion of the general assembly,
that it may greatly tend to the advancement of the agricultural,
mechanical and commercial interest of this state, that the president,
directors and company, of the Farmers Bank of Maryland, should
have power to establish a branch of the said bank in the manner
proposed by the said memorials; therefore, |
Preamble. |
2. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
a branch of the Farmers Bank of Maryland shall be and hereby is
established at Frederick-town, in Frederick county, under the name
of The Frederick-Town Branch Bank, to be governed by the rules
and regulations provided by the law to which this is a supplement,
except as shall be hereby otherwise provided and directed. |
Branch established
at Frederick-town. |
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the capital of
the branch of the
Farmers Bank of Maryland, at Frederick-town, shall be one
hundred thousand dollars; said capital to be furnished by the Farmers
Bank of Maryland. |
Amount of capital. |
4. AND BE IT ENACTED, That should the above
said capital be
found insufficient for the Frederick-town Branch Bank, the Farmers
Bank may make convenient augmentations from the capital of
the mother bank. |
Capital may be
augmented. |
5. AND BE IT ENACTED, That a president and
eight directors
shall compose the board of the said branch, but the president and
four directors shall be competent to the transaction of business. |
President and
eight directors to
compose a board. |
6. AND BE IT ENACTED, That in order to carry
into operation
the said institution, the stockholders on the western shore of Maryland
shall, on the first Monday in March next, elect from among
the stockholders in Frederick county, nine directors, to govern the
said branch; and the directors so chosen, after qualifying agreeably
to the twenty-fifth section of the charter of the Farmers Bank of
Maryland, shall elect one of their number president, a certificate |
Nine directors to
be elected—president. |