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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
Volume 192, Page 727   View pdf image (33K)
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CHAP. 34.

Account of expenditures
to be
rendered to levy

                                LAWS OF MARYLAND.

    5.  AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That the said commissioners,
or a majority of them, after the said bridge is finished, shall render
to the justices of the levy court a full and fair account of the expenditures
of the said sum of money; and if any surplus of money shall
remain in the hands of the said commissioners, or any of them, they
shall pay over the same to the justices of the levy court, which shall
be applied towards defraying the public charge of said county.


Passed Jan. 15, 1808.
*  1806, ch. 25.
                                     CHAP. XXXV.
A Supplement to an act, * entitled, An act to prevent the going at
    large of Swine in the Village of Hillsborough, in Caroline County,
    and other purposes therein mentioned. 
Lib. TH. No. 1, fol. 337.
Preamble     WHEREAS by the trust reposed in the trustees of Hillsborough
school, by the act to which this is a supplement, difficulties may 
arise under the said act, as the bailiff is not sworn, nor is there
any penalty imposed for the non-performance of his duties; therefore,
Bailiff subject to
a fine for not performing
his duty.



    2.  BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly, That 
when a bailiff shall be appointed by the authority of the act to which
this is a supplement, he shall, on refusing to perform the duties
thereof, be liable to a fine, not exceeding twenty dollars; Provided
nevertheless, that no person shall be compelled to serve as bailiff
more than one year in any term of five years, unless with his own
consent he shall accept of a second appointment, and in such case
he may be compelled to serve the time for which he may have been
appointed, under the penalty as aforesaid.
Bailiff to take an
oath, &c.
    3.  AND BE IT ENACTED, That the bailiff of said village shall,
as soon as may be after his appointment, make oath or affirmation,
(as the case may be,) before some justice of the peace of the said
county, that he will faithfully and impartially perform the duties
required of him by the act to which this is a supplement.

Passed Jan. 15, 1808.
                                CHAP. XXXVI.
An Act for the relief of James West, an Insolvent Debtor.  Lib. TH.
                                  No. 1, fol. 338.
Preamble.     WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly, that James
West, of the city of Baltimore, having, by numerous losses and
misfortunes, become incompetent to pay the whole of his debts, did
convey all his estate, both real and personal, to trustees, for the general
benefit of his creditors, on condition of their releasing him
from his debts, and that all the creditors of the said James West
did accept the benefit secured to them by the said conveyance, and
release him from their claims, except two, who have altogether refused
so to do, and are now prosecuting their demands against him
at a time when he is left destitute of all means of satisfying them;
that the said James West, in applying for a remedy to his misfortunes
under the insolvent law passed at November session, eighteen
hundred and five, is deprived of all relief therefrom, by reason of
the aforesaid conveyance, of the release of the debts of more than
nine-tenths of his said creditors, and of the refusal of the said two
remaining creditors to assent to release under the said acts of assembly;
Benefits of acts
extended to James
    2.  BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the judges of Baltimore county court be and they are hereby authorised

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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
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