CHAP. 114. |
county, several of whom are the principal proprietors of
the lots in said town, that many inconveniencies are experienced
from the uncertain location thereof, the present arrangement of the
streets, and other incidents appertaining to the regulation of property,
by which the petitioners are sensibly affected, together with
the disorder constantly occurring at the public wharf, interfering
with the regular lading and unlading of vessels, and the free access
of the ferry boats to the landing places, and they have prayed that
an act may pass, empowering commissioners to make an accurate
survey of the said town, to establish permanent boundaries throughout
the same, and to ascertain and perpetuate the true location thereof,
having regard to the former streets, lanes and alleys, and not
incommoding the present buildings, the expenses of such resurvey
to be defrayed by all those who are benefitted thereby, in proper
proportions, as may be determined by the said commissioners, or a
majority of them; and the prayer of the petition being deemed reasonable,
therefore, |
Persons appointed
to lay out town
anew. |
2. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
Robert Young, George Biscoe, Robert Bowie, Ignatius Boone and
Alexander Contee, or a majority of them, be and they are hereby
authorised and required, after giving three weeks notice in the most
convenient public places within the said county, and also in the
Baltimore Telegraphe, of the time, place and intention, of their
meeting, and after having taken an oath before some justice of the
peace of Prince-George's county, well and truly to execute the
trust reposed in them by this act, without prejudice, partiality, favour
or affection, to proceed to cause the said town to be laid out
anew, and to define and regulate the streets, lanes and alleys thereof,
so as to promote the interest of the proprietors and the convenience
of the inhabitants, as nearly as may be, having regard to the
former streets, lanes and alleys, and not incommoding the present
buildings. |
To employ a
surveyor and
chain-carriers, &c. |
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said commissioners,
or a majority
of them, shall have full power and authority to employ a
surveyor and chain-carriers to effect the purpose which is intended,
and to summon witnesses, (if any may be requisite,) and to allow
them such reasonable compensation as they may think fit, and they
shall cause proper boundaries of wood or stone to be affixed to ascertain
the lots, streets, lanes and alleys, of the said town, and have a
correct plot and certificate made of the same, with proper explanations,
to be returned to the clerk of Prince-George's county, under
their hands, who is hereby required to receive and record the same
among the land records of said county, and the original to keep in
his office, and a copy of such original, or the record thereof, shall
be conclusive evidence as to the bounds of the said town, and of the
lots, streets, lanes and alleys thereof. |
May condemn
lands for streets,
&c. |
4. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said commissioners,
or a
majority of them, shall have full power and authority to condemn
such lands as they may think requisite for the streets, lanes and
alleys, of the said town, making a proper compensation fo the proprietors
thereof, as they in their judgments shall deem just and right. |
To remove nuisances,
and make
rules and regulations,
&c. |
5. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said commissioners,
or a majority
of them, shall have full power and authority to remove all
nuisances, and to make such rules and regulations for the benefit |