be recorded among the records of the said county; and the said
shall be held in trust by the said trustees, and their successors, for
ever, as public land for the purposes aforesaid, and other public
purposes for the use of the said county. |
CHAP. 85. |
4. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said commissioners,
or a majority
of them, be and they are hereby authorised and required to
contract for materials and with workmen, or to treat and agree
with undertakers, to erect and build, on the land to be procured as
aforesaid, good and sufficient brick buildings, such as the said commissioners,
in their discretion, shall think proper and suitable for
the purposes aforesaid, and the same to build and finish in a good,
substantial, and workman-like manner; and the said commissioners
are hereby authorised and required, when such new building shall
be completed and fitted for the reception of the poor, to sell, or
cause to be sold, at public sale, together or in lots, on such terms
and conditions as they shall think proper, not exceeding a credit of
three years, all the lands, together with the buildings and appertenances
thereto belonging, now occupied by the poor of said county,
and the same, when wholly paid for, to transfer and convey, by a
good and sufficient deed or deeds, to the purchaser or purchasers,
all the right, title and interest, which the said county now has in
the aforesaid lands and tenements, and the monies arising therefrom
shall be received by the levy courts, and applied to the use of the
said county. |
—for erecting
suitable buildings;
to sell land and
houses now occupied
by poor. |
5. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the commissioners
aforesaid shall
be authorised to call for and receive from the collector, all monies
levied and assessed for their use in pursuance of this act, as soon
as the shame shall become payable by law; and in case the said collector
shall refuse or neglect to pay the same, the said commissioners
shall have the same remedy for recovering the same as is prescribed
by the act, entitled, An act for the speedy recovery of monies
levied or received by sheriffs and collectors, passed November session,
seventeen hundred and ninety-seven.* |
To receive all
monies collected.
* Ch. 43. |
6. AND BE IT ENACTED, That each of the commissioners
shall receive, as a compensation for his services, the sum of one
dollar for every day he shall attend, or be engages in consequence
of the provisions of this act, and the same shall be assessed in the
county levy, and collected and paid as other county charges. |
Their allowance. |
An Act for the support of Elizabeth Oden and Elizabeth Randal, of
Montgomery County. Lib. JG. No. 4, fol. 466. |
Passed Jan. 7, 1804. |
WHEREAS Elizabeth Oden and Elizabeth Randal, by
their petitions
to this general assembly have set forth, that they are very
poor, and by their bodily infirmities are unable to support themselves
by labour, and prayed that an act may pass for their support
out of the poor-house; and the prayer of the petitioners appearing
reasonable, therefore, |
Preamble. |
2. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
it shall and may be lawful for the trustees of the poor of the said
county, if they shall be of the opinion that the peculiar circumstances
of the said Elizabeth Oden and Elizabeth Randal are such as to
render their situation in the poor-house particularly unsuitable for
them, to support them as out-pensioners in addition to the number |
May be supported
as out-pensioners. |