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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
Volume 192, Page 370   View pdf image (33K)
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CHAP. 84.

                                LAWS OF MARYLAND.

the recognizance at the said court, a default and judgment may
be entered, and execution may be issued accordingly, or without
calling the said recognizance it shall be in the discretion of the
court to respite the same until the succeeding term.

* 1794, ch. 54.

Justices to meet to
take sheriff's bond.

    AND, whereas it is required by an act, * entitled, An act for the
amendment of the law in certain cases, that all sheriff's bonds shall
be taken between the eighth day of October and the first day of January
in each year, BE IT ENACTED, That the justices of the said
court may and they are hereby required to meet on or before the
first day of February next, and to take the sheriff's bond, and do
and perform the several duties which were required to be done on
the day to which the said court stood adjourned, and such proceedings
shall be as good and valid, to all intents and purposes, as if
the said court had meet according to adjournment.
Court may adjourn
to any day
they think proper,
    4.  AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said court, at the meeting
aforesaid, shall have full power to call and adjourn the same to any
day or days they may think proper, in the same manner as they
might or could have done in case they had attended on said day.

Passed Jan. 7, 1804.
                                CHAP. LXXXV.
An Act for erecting Buildings for the use of the Poor of Queen-Anne's
            County, and for other purposes.  Lib. JG. No. 4, fol. 464.

                    Supplements, 1804, ch. 24.  1806, ch. 61, and 1808, ch. 60.

Preamble.     WHEREAS it has been represented to this general assembly, by
the trustees of the poor, and other citizens, of Queen-Anne's county,
that the buildings appropriated to the use of the poor in said
county are too small for their comfort and accommodation, and are
situated in an inconvenient part of the county, and pray that a law
may pass for erecting suitable buildings in a proper and convenient
situation; therefore,
Levy authorised 
for purchasing 
land and erecting
    2.  BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That 
the justices of the levy court of Queen-Anne's county be and they
are hereby authorised and empowered to assess and levy on the assessable
property in said county, at the time of laying the next 
county levy, a sum of money, not exceeding three thousand dollars,
together with six per cent. for collecting the same, for the purpose
of purchasing land, and erecting thereon buildings, for the use and
accommodation of the poor in said county.
Trustees to contract
for and purchase
    3.  AND BE IT ENACTED, That the trustees of the poor of Queen-Anne's
county for the time being be and they are hereby appointed
commissioners to contract for and purchase, in fee-simple, to be
conveyed to, and held in trust by, the trustees of the poor of said
county, and their successors for ever, as public land for the use of
the poor of said county, a tract or parcel of land, not less than ten
nor more than twenty acres, to be located in a compact form, in a
convenient and suitable place on the navigable waters of Corsica
creek, and near the head thereof, and the money agreed to be paid
for the said land by the commissioners shall be paid out of the first
money which comes into the hands of the said commissioners in
virtue of this act; and the said land, when purchased and conveyed
to the trustees of the poor as aforesaid, shall be bounded with stones
set up at each corner thereof, and the plot of the same, with a certificate
and explanation, together with the deed of conveyance, shall

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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
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