Baltimore, through Belle-Air, to the Peach-Bottom Ferry, in York
county, and thence across the Susquehanna to Lancaster, the seat of
government in Pennsylvania, is an important road: And whereas
the said road has not be opened and cleared within Harford county
from Winter's Run to Elisha Tyson's gate, and from the end of
a certain widow Wilson's land to the Little Falls of Gunpowder,
and from thence within Baltimore county to John Paul's, and the
same ought to be opened upon the best possible ground, in the nearest
distinction, and with the least possible expense to the two counties,
therefore, |
CHAP. 80 |
2. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
the three commissioners herein after appointed to wit: Henry Dorsey
Gough and Benjamin Gatch, of Baltimore county, and William
Smithson, of Harford county, or a majority of them, be and are
hereby authorised and empowered to review the said road in Harford
county, from the bridge erected across Winter's Run to Elisha
Tyson's gate, between his dwelling-house and barn, and also from
the end of the widow Wilson's lane, near the Little Falls of Gunpowder,
to the said Little Falls, and thence to John Paul's dwelling-house,
in Baltimore county, and when they shall have fixed upon
the best possible ground, in the nearest possible direction, over
which the said road ought in their judgment to run, between the
respective places aforesaid, they shall cause the same to be surveyed,
and a plot thereof to be made out, and returned to the clerk's
office of Baltimore county and Harford county, before the meeting
of the next levy court of the counties respectively, to be there recorded. |
Commissioners to
view a certain
road. |
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the levy court
of Baltimore county
shall, at their next levy court after the said plot shall have been
returned to the clerk's office of said county, appoint a fit and proper
person as overseer, to clear and open said road within Baltimore
county, and shall levy upon the assessable property of said county
a sum of money, not exceeding five hundred dollars, to be collected
as other county charges are collected, and to be paid to the overseer
who shall be appointed as aforesaid, for the purpose of opening and
clearing said road within the limits of Baltimore county, agreeably
to the plot to be returned as aforesaid. |
Overseer to be appointed
to open
said road in Baltimore
county. |
4. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the levy court
of Harford county
shall, at their levy court next after the said plot shall have been returned
to the clerk's office of Harford county, appoint a fit and proper
person as an overseer, to clear and open said road within Harford
county, and shall levy upon the assessable property of said
county a sum of money, not exceeding five hundred dollars, to be
collected as other county charges are collected, and to be paid to
the overseer to be appointed as aforesaid, for the purpose of opening
and clearing said road within the limits of Harford county, agreeably
to the plot to be returned as aforesaid. |
—to open said
road in Harford
county. |
5. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said road leading
from Baltimore
to Belle-Air, when the same shall have been reviewed, surveyed,
and a plot thereof returned and recorded as aforesaid, and
shall have been cleared and opened as aforesaid, shall be deemed by
the said levy courts respectively as the road laid out under the provisions
of this act, and the original act, and shall be kept in repair
as other public roads in the respective counties. |
Road, when surveyed
and plot
returned, to be
deemed the road
laid out under
this act. |