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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
Volume 192, Page 3187   View pdf image (33K)
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                                INDEX TO THE CHANCERY LAWS.





    Where infants are seized of a reversion dependant
upon an estate for life, &c. tenant for life assenting to
a sale, county courts or chancellor to adjudge the annual
interest, &c. to be paid over to such tenant,
    Upon the petition of guardians for the sale of the
real estate of infants, courts to issue commission to
ascertain the real value of the lands, &c.
    A sale of equitable titles to real estates may be decreed,
    A sale of the real estate to save the personal, may
be decreed with the consent of parties,
    Where sales have been made by executors under
the supposed authority of a will, courts may confirm
such sales,
    Courts may decree a sale of lands descending to
minors residing out of the state, if for the benefit of
such minors, &c.

   Provision for the sale of real estates where they
cannot be divided among those entitled,

    See Descents.

    Judgments and decrees of the chancery court may
be executed and fulfilled by sequestration of the real
and personal estate,

    Mode of amercing sheriffs or coroners in the chancery
court, and of proceedings on such amerciaments,

    On a sheriff refusing or neglecting to pay over
money which he shall have levied, collected or received,
or which he ought to have levied, collected
or received, the courts may, on motion, order
judgment to be entered against him, and immediate
execution to issue in the manner and on the proof
therein directed,
——  The demand liable to be controverted before
and determined by a jury,
——  No writ of error, supersedeas, injunction, or
appeal, to be allowed on such judgment,
    Directions respecting property taken in execution
on which an injunction has issued,
    If any sheriff, coroner, &c. to whom any writ or
other process shall be directed and delivered, shall
neglect to serve the same, and make due return
thereof, such neglect shall be adjudged a contempt
of the court, and such sheriff, &c. shall for such contempt
forfeit and pay a fine not exceeding $50, &c.
    Sheriffs, &c. may return by mail any process to
him directed, to be served, but the non-return of
such process by the time limited shall not be excused
by any evidence which such sheriff may offer, except
the affidavit of such officer himself,

    If any citizen of this state shall be out of this state
when the act to direct descents takes place, so that he
cannot have notice thereof, then the said act, and the
course of descent thereby established, shall not extend
to such citizen, or his estate, if he shall die intestate
during his absence from this state, nor shall
this act affect the estate of any absent citizen until
three months after his return,
    On a bill in chancery being filed against the state
the process shall be served on the attorney general,
    Where an injunction is prayed to stay proceedings
at law for payment of a debt claimed by the state, the
chancellor shall not order such injunction on the affidavit

        Session  Ch.  S.

            1816    154  13

            1818    133    2
            ——    193    7

            ——    —     8

            ——    —     9

            ——    —   13

            1786     45     8
            and notes (b)
                       and (f)

            1785      72  25

            1785      72  23

            1797      43    1
            1818    193    6

            1797      43    1

            ——    —  —

            1799      79  10

            1817    139    6

            ——    —     7

            1786      45  11

            ——      53    3

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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
Volume 192, Page 3187   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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