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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
Volume 192, Page 3152   View pdf image (33K)
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                                        INDEX TO THE RESOLUTIONS.








    69.  Resolution directing him to advance to the printer
of one state the sum of $600 in part of his salary, &c.
    70.  Resolution directing him to purchase seventy-five
copies of the decisions of the superior courts, &c.
    71.  Resolution authorising him to negotiate a loan not
exceeding fifty thousand dollars, &c.
    72.  Resolution directing the treasurer of the eastern
shore to be credited in his account with the treasurer of
the western shore for the sum of one thousand and two
dollars notes of the "Somerset Bank,"
    73.  Resolution authorising him to dispose of certain
unsubscribed shares reserved to the state,
    74.  Resolution directing him to pay to the present
messenger to the council the sums respectively directed
to be paid to Jubb Fowler, late messenger, by resolutions,
1806, 18;  1811, 18, 28,
    75.  Resolution directing him to purchase ninety-eight
copies of "Brice on Wills," and pay the amount thereof
to James F. Brice, &c.
    76.  Resolution directing him to receive into the treasury,
the sum of $341 25, now in the hands of eastern
shore treasurer, under the resolution of 1816, &c.
    77.  Resolution directing him to pay to the governor
such sum as he may deem requisite, not exceeding three
thousand dollars, for furnishing the government house,
    78.  Resolution directing him to pay to Walter L.
Price the sum of one dollar and fifty cents for each days
attendance as messenger of the chancery court,
    79.  Resolution directing the treasurer to pay to the examiner
general, in addition to the amount of fees that he
may receive in the present year, such sum as shall amount
to eight hundred dollars, 
    80.  Resolution directing him to pay to John Leeds
Kerr, the agent for settling the claims of Maryland with
the general government, the sum of 1,206 dollars, &c.
    81.  Resolution directing that one thousand dollars be
placed in the treasury, subject to the order of the governor
and council, for the payment of claims against this state
arising from the employment of militia during the late war,
    See Governor and Council, 72.
    82.  Resolution directing him to pay to the directors of
the penitentiary thirteen thousand seven hundred and forty
one dollars eighteen cents, to reimburse the expenditure
made by them in repairs, &c.
    83.  Resolution authorising him to sell and dispose of
the right of subscribing for the unsubscribed shares reserved
to this state in the stock of the Franklin Bank of 
Baltimore, &c.
    See State Debtors, 10.
    84.  Resolution directing him to pay to the order of
the governor any sum of money, not exceeding two thousand
dollars, for repairing the government house, &c.

    See Treasurer, 28, 53, 57, 58, 72, 75.
    ——  State Debtors, 10.

    See Treasurer,
    ——  State Debtors, 10.

    See Treasurer.

    1.  Resolution making appropriations therefor, &c.
    2.  Resolution authorising the governor and council to
establish rules and regulations, &c.

    See Governor and Council, 21.

    Resolution directing him to pay the surplus interest in
the three per cent. stock belonging to state,
    See Stock, 3.

        Session  No.

            1817      44

            ——     46

            ——     43

            ——     49

            ——     54

            ——     55

            ——     56

            1818        1

            ——       2

            ——       4

            ——     11

            ——     16

            ——     17

            ——     25

            ——     27

            ——     44

            1814      31

            ——     E/font>

            1792        5

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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
Volume 192, Page 3152   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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