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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
Volume 192, Page 3151   View pdf image (33K)
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                                        INDEX TO THE RESOLUTIONS.


    49.  Resolution directing him to pay to the order of the
governor and council a sum of money to carry into effect
the resolution relative to the purchase of a golden medal,
    50.  Resolution authorising him to negotiate a loan, &c.
    51.  Resolution authorising the governor and council
to draw on him for the payment of all accounts, &c.
    52.  Resolution directing him to pay to the governor and
council and their officers one month's additional pay, &c.

    53.  Resolutions authorising him to augment the loan,
    54.  Resolution authorising him to subscribe for fifty
shares of stock in the Union Manufacturing Company,
    55.  Resolution authorising him to pay to the commissioners
of the penitentiary twenty thousand dollars, &c.
    See Troops, 1.
    56.  Resolution directing him direct the treasurer of
the eastern shore what description of money will be received,
    57.  Resolution directing the treasurer eastern shore to
be credited in his account with the treasurer of the western
shore for the sum of four thousand two hundred dollars
and thirteen cents, &c.
    58.  Resolution directing the treasurer of the eastern
shore to take such stepts, &c. to convert the said money
into such money as the treasurer of the western shore may
direct, &c.
    59.  Resolution directing him to subscribe ten thousand
dollars in the Farmer's and Merchants Bank of Baltimore,
    ——  Rescinded,
    60.  Resolution authorising him to negotiate a loan not
exceeding twenty thousand dollars, &c.
    61.  Resolution directing him to pay to the trustees of
the Elkton Academy, or their order, annually, the sum
of three hundred dollars, &c.
    62.  Resolution directing him to pay to William B.
Smyth, Jabez Caldwell, and William Hayward, jr. two
dollars each for every day they may be occupied in inspecting
the armoury at Easton, &c.
    63.  Resolution authorising him to pay to Samuel Moale,
as trustee of Mark Alexander, for the use of the creditors
of the said Alexander, the sum of eighty-one pounds four
shillings and two pence, &c.
    64.  Resolution directing him to pay to the official members
of the Methodist Church in Annapolis, two hundred
pounds, &c.
    65.  Resolution authorising him to negotiate for and obtain
a loan, &c. for the purpose of discharging the debts
incurred by the inspectors of the penitentiary, &c.
    66.  Resolution directing him, under the direction of
the governor and council, to pay to John Randall, and
others, twenty-five thousand dollars, for the purpose of
cutting a channel across the bar at or near the mouth of
Severn, &c.  upon their giving bond, &c. in the penalty, 
&c. provided Annapolis, or some place in its neighbourhood,
should be fixed upon for the naval depot.
    67.  Resolution authorising him to pay to Ninian Pinkney,
as clerk of the council, the sum of five hundred dollars
annually, in quarterly payments, as an additional compensation
for his services, &c.
    68.  Resolution directing him to pay John Leeds Kerr
the sum of eight hundred dollars  in part compensation for
his services as agent in settling the claims of Maryland
with the general government,

        Session  No.

            1812        8

May    1813        5

            ——        6

            1813        5

            1813      16
            1814        4
            1816      67

            1814        8

            ——      15

            1816        5

            ——    —

            ——    —

            ——        8

            1818      32

            1816      67

            1817        4

            ——        6

            ——        8

            ——      30

            ——      35

            ——      40

            ——      41

            ——      42

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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
Volume 192, Page 3151   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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