Passed 26th Sept.
1684. |
An act for reviving the Temporary Laws of this Province. Lib.
WH. fol. 272.
For 3 years, or to the end of the
next session. N. B. By this act were revived
and continued the following laws, viz. 1661, ch. 2, 3, and 5. 1663-4,
ch. 1, 2,
and 17. 1666, ch. 1 and 4. 1669, ch. 2, 3, and 7.
1671, ch. 4, 7, 8, 9, 23, 25,
and 30. 1647, ch. 3, 4, 7, 9, 13, and 26. 1676, ch. 4, 5, 6,
7, 9, 13, 14, 16, and
17. 1678, ch. 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, and 11. 1681, ch. 1, 2, 3, 5,
6, and 14. 1682, ch.
1, 2, and 3. 1683, ch. 2 and 3. Expired. |
Ditto. |
An act for the Naturalization of Nicholas Verbrack. Lib. WH.
275. A Private Act. |
Ditto. |
An act for the Naturalization of Peter Bayard, Arnoldus de la
Grange, Peter Slayer, and Jasper Dauntrees. Lib.
WH. fol.
275. A Private Act. |
Ditto. |
An act for the Naturalization of Jacob Seth. Lib. WH. fol. 275.
A Private Act. |
Passed 19th Nov.
1686. |
Acts made at a Session of Assembly, begun and held at
the City of St. Mary's, on Wednesday the 27th day of
in the 11th year of the dominion of Charles, &c.
Annoq. Domini 1686, and ended the 19th November following,
An act for the Payment and assessing of the public Charge of this
Province. Lib. WH. fol. 275. Obsolete. |
Ditto. |
A further additional act to the* act for the Advancement of Trade,
and the† Supplementary act to the same. Lib. WH.
fol. 280.
* 1683, ch. 5. †
1684, ch. 2.
By this act (1.) The following Towns, Ports and
Places are added, and made
Ports, &c. equal with the others by the aforesaid acts appointed, where
ships and
vessels may unlade, &c. all goods imported; and where all tobaccoes,
&c. may be
sold or transported out of this Province, viz.
St. Mary's County,
At Pile's Fresh, on both Sides of the said fresh, on
the land of Mr. Joseph Pile and Thomas Simpson.
Kent County,
At Swan Creek, on the Plantation and Land of William
Stanley, to be called Milford Town.
Calvert County,
At Harvey-Town, and the land adjacent there.
Charles County,
At Lower Cedar Point, in Pickawaxen hundred,
on, or near, the land late of Mr. James Tire, deceased.
At Dangey's Point, in Mattawoman, or St. Thomas's
Baltimore County,
In Spotsuty Creek, on the land formerly Mr. John
Collet's, now in possession of Mr. John Mold, and
the lands adjacent.
In Gunpowder River, upon the Point commonly
Westbury's Point.
Talbot County,
At, or near the Court House, upon the land of
James Downes, and the lands adjacent, to be called
York. |