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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
Volume 192, Page 2702   View pdf image (33K)
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            INDEX TO THE LAWS.

    The Washington and Frederick Turnpike Company
incorporated, &c.
    A road to be laid out from the farm of N. Parrott as
therein directed, to intersect the old public road near
W. Redburn's,

    A new court house to be built in Hager's-town,

    A Fire Company incorporated in Hager's-town,
    Penalty on erecting booths for selling liquor within
two miles of any Methodist camp or quarterly meeting
in Washington county,
    The judges of the fifth election district empowered
to hold the elections in any house in Hancock-town,
    An office to be provided for the county clerk, &c.
till the completion of the new court house,
    A lottery authorised for finishing a school house and
purchasing church bells in Boonsborough,
    Allowance to be made to supervisors of the public
roads, and to labourers thereon,
    The powers of the trustees of the poor vested in the
levy court, &c.
    Authorities, &c. under the original act, (1796, ch.
22,) vested in them,
    A company incorporated to make a turnpike road
from Boonsborough to the Conococheague Creek at
    A company incorporated to make a turnpike road
from Hager's-town, to intersect the Cumberland turnpike
road, on the West Bank of the Conococheague,
    The treasurer directed to pay to the levy court its
proportion of the school fund,
    Swine and geese prevented from going at large in the
town of Hancock,
    A new gaol to be erected in Hager's-town,
    Money to be levied for a fire engine in Hager's-town,
    Companies incorporated to make certain turnpike
roads through Montgomery, Frederick, and Washington
counties, &c.
    Commissioners appointed to purchase a fire engine
for Williamsport,
    Allowance of mileage to jurors,
    An act to incorporate a company to make a turnpike
road from Boonsborough, through Williamsport, to
intersect the road now making from Cumberland to
the West Bank of the Conococheague,
    Swine and geese prevented from going at large in
    A new market house to be erected in Hager's-town,
    The 8th section of 1815, ch. 197, repealed,
    A company incorporated to make a turnpike road
from the West Bank of the Conococheague Creek, at
Williamsport, to intersect the Cumberland turnpike
road at or near Stone Quarry Ridge,
    The pay of the judges of the orphans court increased
to three dollars,
    A company incorporated to make a turnpike road
from Hager's-town to intersect the turnpike road leading
from Gettysburgh, through Nicholson's Gap, to
the Pennsylvania line,
    A company incorporated for making a turnpike road
from Hager's-town to Boonsborough,
    The Williamsport Water Company incorporated,

Session.  Ch. S.

  1815         160

 ——      105
 ——      107
  1816      107
  1818        28    4
  1815      133

  1816        25

 ——        37

 ——        84

 ——        88

 ——      102

 ——      104

 ——        Enbsp;   5

 ——      105

 ——      131

 ——      256    7

  1817          6
 ——        62
 ——        64
  1818        14

  1817        97

 ——      129
 ——      192

 ——      202

  1818          7

 ——        28
 ——        Enbsp;   6

 ——        34

 ——        45

 ——      102

 ——      114

 ——      167



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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
Volume 192, Page 2702   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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