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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
Volume 192, Page 2392   View pdf image (33K)
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            INDEX TO THE LAWS.

    The Maryland Hospital incorporated,
    A part of Bridge-street to be widened,
    The Saint Andrew's Society of Baltimore incorporated,
    The Medical Society of Maryland incorporated,
    Water street to be connected with King George-street
at Jones's Falls,
    The ground therein mentioned authorised to be used
free from the purposes of a tobacco inspection house,
for which it was employed,
—An alley to be left open for the convenient passing
of tobacco hogsheads to the inspection house,
    A lottery authorised for building a Masonic Hall for
lodge No. 3, at Fell's Point,
    An act to provide for the administration of justice in
cases of crimes and misdemeanors in the city and precincts
of Baltimore,
—A supplement thereto,
—Salaries of the judges established,
Inspectors and Corders of Wood to be appointed by
the governor and council, &c.
    The precincts and part of the county annexed to an
made a part of the city,
—Provisions of the act of 1796, ch. 68, &c. to be
extended thereto,
—Directions for marking the metes and bounds as
therein described,
—The part annexed to be laid off into new wards,
—Provisions concerning elections, districts, &c.
—The new wards to be subject to the powers vested
in the mayor, &c. and taken as parts of the city and
corporation; proviso as to taxes,
—Acts inconsistent repealed,
    Commissioners appointed to lay off part of the
county therein described, and to lay out thereon
streets, lanes, &c. and to return the same,
—Power of the mayor, &c. as to streets—damages, &c.
—Nothing herein to extend to Pratt and Lombard-street,
—Parts inconsistent with this act repealed,
    An act relating to insolvent debtors in the city and
county of Baltimore,
    The Gas Light Company incorporated,
    The Baltimore Improving Company incorporated,
    Certain alterations authorised in the county and city
court rooms,
    Chesnut-street to be opened and extended,
    Commissioners appointed to lay out Dark Lane,
    Trustees appointed to receive subscriptions of stock
for the improvement of the Baltimore Museum,
    The numbers and limits of election districts in the
city of Baltimore, shall always be the same as the
wards therein,
    The Patapsco Canal Company incorporated,
    Provision made for the opening and extension of
    A parcel of ground at the junction of Bridge and Harford-street
to be made public—former acts repealed,
    The German Society of Maryland incorporated,
    Proceeds of sale of servants or slaves as therein provided
for to go to Baltimore city, where the conviction 
is in the court thereof,
—The power given tot he county courts respecting
such servants, &c. to be exercised, for matters in Baltimore
county or city exclusively in the city court,
    The inspection of salted fish regulated,

Session.  Ch. S.

  1816      136
 ——      162
 ——      163
 ——      169

 ——      171

 ——      185

 ——        —

 ——      186

 ——      193
  1817      195
  1816      227

 ——      199

 ——      209    1

 ——        —    2
 ——        — 1-3

 ——        —    4
 ——        — 5-7

 ——        —    6

 ——        —    8

——       218
 ——        —
 ——        —    10
  1817      148    15

 ——      251
 ——      260

 1817           7
 ——        12
 ——        26

 ——        33
 ——        51
Confirmed by
  1818        87
  1817        70

 ——        71
 ——        85
 ——      100

 ——      112 1-2

——        —     7
 ——      114
 ——      170
 1818        99


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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
Volume 192, Page 2392   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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