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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
Volume 192, Page 2383   View pdf image (33K)
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            INDEX TO THE LAWS.

    The property qualification for members of the assembly
repealed and abolished,
   Each member of the assembly to receive fifty cents in
addition to the then allowance,
    Members of the assembly, whilst in session, exempted
in part from militia duty,
    The time of meeting of the general assembly to be
on the first Monday in December in each year, instead
of November, as before,
    The commissioners of the school fund to report annually
to the assembly the disposition of their proportions
    The attorney general to give his opinion and advice,
when required, to the general assembly, or either
    The attorney general and district attornies liable to
be removed by the governor on the address of the general

    Assent to the release of insolvent debtors, may be
given by corporate bodies, administrators and trustees,
    Of creditors of insolvent debtors, not to be considered
unless they make oath or affirmation of their claims,
—When dispensed with.  See Insolvent Debtors.

    Before any seizure, distraining, or sale of personal
property by any collector, an account to be delivered or
left at the debtor's abode, of the species and amount of
property, and the rate and amount of the tax,
    Errors in assessments to be rectified by the levy
    All property (not therein excepted) to be valued and
chargeable with the public assessment,
    No person, whose property shall not be assessed to
40 dollars, shall be liable to assessment or tax under
this act,
—the amount altered to 100 dollars, in Prince
George's and Cecil counties,
    Tenants to pay the assessment, and to have an action
therefor against the lessor; or may deduct it from the
rent, unless otherwise agreed,
    Lands to the westward of Fort Cumberland, in Allegany
county, disposed of in virtue of the act of November,
1788, ch. 44, made chargeable with the assessment,
—But not to subject to sale any lands before granted
to the officers and soldiers, remaining in their possession,
or that of their heirs or devisees,
    Provision for a new assessment in Anne Arundel,
Talbot, and Somerset counties,
—Same in Baltimore city and county,
—Same in Worcester county,
    See Valuation of Property.

    To be appointed by the commissioners of the tax,
—To be advised, &c. by the commissioners,
—Direction as to assessors in Baltimore,
—Forfeiture for neglect, and others to be appointed,
    Oaths to be taken by assessors,
    Duties prescribed,
    Compensation allowed,
    Appeals allowed from their valuation to the commissioners
of the tax, and corrections to be made
without appeal,
    Property of assessors to be valued by the commissioners,
    See Valuation of Property.

Session.  Ch. S.

  1809      198 
Confirmed by
  1810        18

  1811      156
 ——      182    1
June 1812   9   2
  1811      211
Confirmed by
  1812      129

  1816      256    5

  1817      146    1

 ——        —    7

  1807      150    4

  1812        77    2

  1800        85

  1807      129

  1812      191    1

 ——        —  16

  1817        41    2

  1812      191  36

 ——        —  38

 ——        —  —

  1816        22 1-2
  1817      142
  1818      152

  1812      191    5
 ——        — 5-8
 ——        —    7
 ——        —    9
 ——        —  11
 —  — 12-13-14
 ——        —  17

 ——    — 19-23

 ——        —  24


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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
Volume 192, Page 2383   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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