CHAP. 4.
Levy authorised
to repair poor-house. |
2. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
the justices of the levy court of Charles county be and they are
hereby authorised and empowered, at their next meeting for the
purpose of laying their county tax, to assess and levy on the assessable
property of the said county the sum of three hundred dollars,
to be paid to the trustees of the poor of said county, or their order,
which said sum shall be collected as other county charges are, and
applied, under the direction of the said trustees, to the purpose of
repairing the poor-house in said county, in such manner as they,
or a majority of them, may think proper. |
Passed Jan. 8, 1803
* 1801, ch. 61. |
A Supplement to an act, * entitled, An act for draining part of
Branch called The Unicorn Branch, lying in the upper
part of Queen-Anne's
County. Lib. JG. No. 4, fol. 209. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS, the act to which this is a supplement is
found to be
inadequate to the draining of the said Unicorn Branch, by not commencing
high enough up, or extending low enough down, said branch;
therefore, |
Ditch, where to
commence. |
2. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
the directors who shall hereafter be appointed for cutting a ditch
through said branch, shall commence the said ditch at the sixth
line of a tract of land called Bailey's Addition, where the said sixth
line crosses the head of the Unicorn Branch, and from thence continuing
down said branch until it intersects a place known by the
name of the Beaver Pond, between William Merchant's and Francis
Soloway's, which said ditch shall be cut and kept in repair in
such manner as is directed and prescribed by the act to which this
is a supplement. |
Proprietors entitled
to certain privileges. |
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the proprietors
of the lands
lying on the Unicorn Branch, between the said Bailey's Addition
and Cleaves Rambles, and between William's Lot and the Beaver Pond,
shall be entitled to all the privileges and advantages, and be
subject to the penalties, forfeitures and regulations, to which the
proprietors of the said lands in the act to which this is a supplement
are. |
Passed Jan. 8, 1803. |
An Act to lay out and open a Road from the main road leading from
the Head of Chester to the Head of Sassafras, in Kent
County, to
the Delaware Line. Lib. JG. No. 4, fol. 210. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS it has been represented to this general
assembly, by
the petition of sundry inhabitants of Kent county, that they labour
under considerable inconveniencies from the want of a public road
to run from the main road leading from the head of Chester to the
head of Sassafras, in Kent county, through the lands of James
Blackeston, Edward Hanson, and others, to intersect the Delaware
line at or near the lands of George C. Saunders: And whereas it
appears to this general assembly that a road opened in the direction
as prayed for would be generally beneficial to the inhabitants of
the upper part of Kent county, and would also greatly promote the
communication between the citizens of this state and those of the
state of Delaware; therefore, |