commanding officers respectively, shall be paid out of the fines of
their respective regiments, or extra battalion; and if any quarter
master shall neglect the duties required of him by this section, he
shall be liable to be cashiered, or fined not exceeding one hundred
dollars, in the discretion of such court martial as the case may require;
and if any non-commissioned officer or private shall refuse
or neglect to return the arms and accoutrements to such place of
deposite, when so ordered by his commanding officers, he shall be
fined not exceeding ten dollars, in the discretion of such court martial
as the case may require. |
CHAP. 228.
65. AND BE IT ENACTED, That if any person
shall, within the
limits of the said brigades, sell or buy, (unless by the authority of
the state,) any of the public arms or accoutrements belonging to the
state, or give or receive the same in pledge, barter, or as a gift,
knowing the same to be public, or shall injure or destroy such
arms or accoutrements, or use the same for any other than military
purposes, or shall carry or convey them out of the limits of
said brigades, except when on duty, such person shall, for every
such offence, forfeit and pay ten dollars; and if such arms or accoutrements
shall by any of the means aforesaid be rendered useless
or become lost, such person shall also forfeit and pay the full
value thereof as fixed by the state for arms and accoutrements lost;
and such forfeitures shall be recovered at the instance of any commissioned
officer of the brigade to which he belongs, and paid to
the paymaster of his regiment or extra battalion; the aforesaid
value to be accounted for to the corps, when ascertained, to which
such arms or accoutrements belonged, for the purpose of replacing
them. |
Arms not to be
bought or sold or
improperly used. |
66. AND BE IT ENACTED, That whenever any of
the public arms
or accoutrements shall, within the limits of said brigades, be found
in the possession of any person, (except as authorised by this act,)
the same may be demanded by any commissioned officer, and if refused
to be delivered up, on proof of such demand and refusal before
any justice of the peace, such justice shall, at the instance of
such officer, by warrant in the name of the state, cause the person
to be brought before him, and examine into the facts; and upon its
appearing to such justice that the arms or accoutrements, so claimed,
belong to the state, he shall order them to be delivered to such
officer, and the person holding them to pay costs, and may, if necessary,
commit such person to prison, until such order be complied
with; if he shall decide otherwise, such officer shall pay costs,
which shall be reimbursed out of the fines of the regiment, or extra
battalion, to which he is attached, and the arms or accoutrements
so recovered shall be held by such regiment, or extra battalion, to
be delivered over to the corps, when ascertained to which they belong. |
May be demanded
by any officer. |
67. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the system of
tactics, training and
discipline, adopted, or which may hereafter be adopted by congress,
for the United States army, shall be used and observed
throughout the said brigades; and if any officer shall neglect or
refuse to use, practice and enforce such system, in part of the disciplining
and training the militia under his command, he shall be
deemed guilty of disobedience of orders, and proceeded against as
the case may require. |
System of discipline
to be observed. |