to the best of my skill and abilities; so help me God;" and a certificate
of his having done so shall be endorsed on the commission by
the person who may have administered such oaths; and all officers
hereafter commissioned shall take the like oaths, and have the like
certificate thereof endorsed on their commissions, which they shall
report in writing, if field and brigade staff officers, to their respective
brigadier generals, and if company and regimental and extra
battalion staff officers, to the commanding officers of their respective
regiments and extra battalion, previous to their entering on
any of their respective duties; and if any officer shall neglect or
refuse to comply with the provisions of this section, he shall be liable
to be cashiered by such court martial as the case may require. |
CHAP. 228. |
48. AND BE IT ENACTED, That no commissioned
officer, charged
with any violation of this act, for which he might be cashiered, shall
be suffered to do duty in the brigade, regiment, extra battalion, or
company, to which he belongs, nor to resign his commission whilst
under such charge, until he has had his trial by a court martial;
and every person so charged, shall be tried as soon as a court
martial can conveniently be assembled, and shall be furnished by his
brigade inspector, adjutant of his regiment, or other person, as
the case may require, with a copy of the charges exhibited against
him, at least ten days before his trial; and in case any delinquent,
being duly notified of the time and place of meeting of any such
court martial, who shall refuse or neglect to attend, the said court
martial is authorised and empowered to proceed to the trial of such
delinquent, in the same manner as if he were personally present. |
Officers not to do
duty while under
arrest. |
49. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the commanding
officer of each
regiment and extra battalion shall, under a penalty not exceeding
fifty dollars, to be imposed by such court martial as the case mat
require, notify in writing, the brigade inspector of his brigade, or
cause such notice to be left at his residence, of the place of his
or extra battalion parade, as established by this act, at
least three days previous thereto; and it shall be the duty of the
brigade inspectors respectively, to attend said meetings, and inspect
the said regiments and extra battalion; or if prevented from attending
by sickness, or some such sufficient excuse, other than business,
he shall appoint such officer of the brigade as will execute
said duties; and for the purpose of making the return herein after
directed, the commanding officer of each regiment and extra battalion
shall, within ten days after such inspection, make return to
the said inspector of all arms and accoutrements, the property of
the state, designating such as are fit for service, and also of all
private arms and accoutrements, and the companies and corps by
which they are held, and the commanding officers of companies
shall make such reports as the commanding officers aforesaid may
require for said purpose; and the said brigade inspectors shall respectively,
on or before the first of December thereafter, make
a consolidated return thereof to the adjutant general of the state;
and the said inspectors shall respectively attend the brigadier generals,
when required, to receive and execute all orders necessary to
carry into effect the provisions of this act; and if any officer shall
neglect or refuse to execute any of the duties herein prescribed, he
shall be fined not exceeding one hundred dollars, in the discretion
of such court martial as the case may require. |
Written notice of
place of parade to
be given to brigade
major. |