same at a point on the east side of Saint Paul's Lane, one hundred
and fifty feet north from the intersection formed by the east side of
Saint Paul's Lane and the north side of Church-street, to Courtland-street,
thence northerly, binding on the west side of Courtland-street not
less than twenty and not exceeding twenty-eight feet, in the discretion
of the said commissioners, thence westerly, parallel with
Church-street to Saint-Paul's Lane, and thence southerly, binding
on the east side of Saint-Paul's Lane to the place of beginning,
and the same shall be called "Dark Lane;" and the said commissioners
shall return a plot thereof, under their hands and seals, to
the office of the register of the city of Baltimore, to be there filed
as a part of the said city. |
CHAP. 28. |
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That all the title,
estate and interest,
in and to that part of Dark Lane which lies between Saint-Paul's
Lane and Courtland-street, as it now runs, shall be and the same
is hereby vested in the said commissioners, who shall make an allotment
and division thereof between Nicholas Brice, George Winchester,
and Henry Didier, junior, in proportion to the size of
their respective lots which front on Church-street and run back to
said Dark Lane; and the said commissioners shall execute and acknowledge
conveyances of the said parts of Dark Lane to the said
Nicholas Brice, George Winchester and Henry Didier, junior,
which shall vest the titles and interest in and to the same, in fee
simple, in the said grantees respectively, their heirs and assigns. |
Title vested. |
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said commissioners
shall ascertain
the value of the piece or parcel of ground herein before
directed to be laid out as a lane, which valuation and assessment
shall be paid by the said Nicholas Brice, George Winchester and
Henry Didier, junior, in equal parts; and the said commissioners
shall pay one-seventh part of the said valuation to the widow of
Benjamin Williams, late of the city of Baltimore, deceased, and
the residue thereof to the guardian of the infant daughter, and
heir at law of the said Benjamin Williams, and it shall be the duty
of the said guardian to invest the same in the purchase of real
estate, in the name of his said ward, and the said real estate shall,
in case of the death of the ward intestate, descend in the same
manner as it would have done if the same had descended to her on
the part of her father. |
Value of ground
laid out to be ascertained. |
4. AND BE IT ENACTED, That a majority of the
said commissioners
shall be competent to act and carry into effect all the provisions
of this act. |
Majority of commissioners
to act. |
An Act to enable Robert Gorsuch to complete his Collections in Baltimore
County. Lib. TH. No. 5, fol. 511.
See 1816, ch. 72, and 1818, ch. 35. |
Passed Jan. 5,1818. |
A Further Additional Supplement to the act*, entitled, An act to
late Elections. Lib. TH. No. 5, fol. 512. |
Passed Jan. 13, 1818.
* 1805, ch. 97. |
1. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
William Hebb, Notley Maddox, Francis Tolson, senior, Edward
H. Calvert, Dennis Boyd, Jasper M. Jackson, junior, and Alexius |
Prince George's
to be laid off into
six election districts. |