CHAP. 21. |
by the state as a fund for the purpose of supporting schools, to
be equally divided among the several counties, and paid over in
equal portions to such persons in each county as the legislature
may hereafter appoint. |
Duration. |
29. AND BE IT ENACTED, That this act shall
continue in force
until the expiration of the year eighteen hundred and thirty-five,
and until the end of the next session of the general assembly which
shall happen thereafter. |
On neglect to pay
specie for their
notes, charter declared
Proviso. |
30. AND BE IT ENACTED, That if the president
and directors of
the said bank, or any of the officers thereof, shall at any time refuse
or neglect to pay specie for their notes, when called on at their
banking house, then and in that event their charter shall be and is
hereby declared to be vacated, made null and void; Provided, in
case of such forfeiture the said bank shall be authorised to recover
all debts actually due at the time of said refusal or neglect, as if
no forfeiture had accrued; And provided also, that the said president
and directors shall be liable to be sued for all debt due from
said bank, either by bond, bill, note or otherwise; and all the funds,
rights and credits, of said corporation, as held prior to the said forfeiture,
shall be answerable for the same. |
No officer to be
concerned in purchasing
notes, &c. |
31. AND BE IT ENACTED, That if the president
or any director,
the cashier or any other officer of the said bank, shall be concerned
directly or indirectly, in purchasing any note or notes, bill or
bills, at more than lawful discount or interest, and information
thereof be given, and supported to the satisfaction of a majority
of the board or quorum of directors, his or their seat or seats of
office shall be vacated, and the directors shall fill up such vacancy
or vacancies. |
Passed Jan. 8, 1818. |
An Act relating to the Levy Court of Baltimore County. Lib.
No. 5, fol. 504.
A Supplement, Ch. 182. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly,
by the memorial
of the justices of the levy court of Baltimore county, that
doubts are entertained of the validity of some of the acts of said
court, because of their not being done within the time directed by
laws, which might involve the finances of the county, and the interest
of many individuals, in much litigation, derangement and
loss; for remedy whereof, |
Levies made valid.
Proviso. |
1. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
the several assessments and levies of the public or county taxes or
charges, made or imposed by the levy court of Baltimore county,
and the several contracts or bonds made or taken in relation to the
collection, or the payments or expenditure thereof, shall be held
as effectual and valid as if the same had been fully completed, made
or taken, within the time prescribed by law; Provided, nothing in
this act contained shall be construed to alter or affect the legal defence
of all collectors against any claim or suit which has been,
or may be preferred against them, for any act or thing done heretofore,
under and by virtue of any act or proceedings of the levy
court of Baltimore county, as the same existed before the passing
of this law. |