reception of powder, transacting the business of the company,
and generally for the full accomplishment of their object, as
they shall from time to time deem necessary and proper; Provided
always, that no such works, depot or ware-rooms shall be rented or
erected within the city of Baltimore, without the consent of the
mayor and city council, or within the precincts thereof without
the consent of the commissioners of the eastern or western precincts,
as the case may be. |
CHAP. 211.
Proviso. |
6. AND BE IT ENACTED, That at least once a
year dividends
of the profits on the stock of the said company shall be declared
and paid to the stockholders, their attorney or legal representatives,
at stated periods. |
Stated meetings. |
7. AND BE IT ENACTED, That in order the more
to call the attention of the president and directors to the interest
of the company, stated meetings shall be convened and held quarterly
at least, and as much more frequent as shall be deemed advisable,
and at every such meeting the names of the attending
members shall be recorded in a book of minutes and proceedings to
be kept for the purpose. |
Rights, benefits,
&c. |
8. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the original subscribers
in this
company, and their assignees, transferrees and legal representatives,
for ever, shall be taken and considered, to all intents and purposes,
as members of this company, and shall be entitled to receive all
the rights, benefits and advantages, arising therefrom, by all ways
and means whatsoever, in proportion to the amount of stock held
by them respectively; Provided always, that no transfer shall be
made or deemed valid, unless it be entered on the books of the company
in such manner as the president and directors shall prescribe. |
Original subscribers
members of company.
Proviso. |
9. AND BE IT ENACTED, That this act shall
be and remain in
full force and virtue the first day of January one thousand
eight hundred and thirty-five, and thence until the end of the next
session of the general assembly thereafter; Provided however, that
the concurring votes of the holders of at least two thirds of the
capital stock of the company shall be deemed sufficient at a general
meeting to dissolve the same, and finally terminate the object for
which it is incorporated; And provided, that such meeting, and its
intention, shall be published in at least three newspapers in the
city of Baltimore, and at least three months previous to the time
of such meeting. |
Provisos. |
10. AND BE IT ENACTED, That immediately on
the expiration
of this act, or the dissolution of this company, effectual measures
shall be taken by the then president and directors to close all the
concerns thereof, and for making a final dividend of the capital
and profits remaining, among the stockholders thereof, in proportion
to their respective interests. |
On dissolution of
company, concerns
to be closed. |
An Act authorising a Lottery to raise a sum of money to purchase
Lot of Ground in the City or Precincts of Baltimore,
and to erect a
Building thereon to be used as an Engine House.
Lib. TH. No. 5,
fol. 102. |
Passed Jan. 29, 1816. |
1. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
John H. Rogers, Charles Brown, William M. Smith, Jacob Wall, |
Lottery authorised. |