the president and managers, thus annually elected, shall have full
power and authority to make, alter or repeal, by-laws for their
government; provided always, that they are not inconsistent with,
or repugnant to this act, and the laws of this state. |
CHAP. 190. |
7. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the president and
managers in
locating and laying down the road contemplated by this act, shall
be and are hereby authorised to commence the location of said
road, either from the city of Baltimore, or some point on the Baltimore
and Havre-de-Grace turnpike road, or at some point on the
Baltimore and Belle-Air road, or at Belle-Air, as they shall, under
all circumstances, think most advantageous. |
Location, where
to commence. |
8. AND BE IT ENACTED, That said company shall
be and are
hereby invested and clothed with all the privileges, rights, immunities
and advantages, which are held and possessed by the turnpike
company incorporated by an act passed at November session,
eighteen hundred and nine*, entitled, An act to incorporate a
company to make a turnpike road from near Ellicott's lower mills
towards George town, in the District of Columbia, to be governed
by the same regulations as are therein prescribed, and be entitled
to the same tolls, and every clause and provision of the said act relative
to the road therein proposed to be made, so far as the same
are applicable and not inconsistent with this act. |
Privileges, rights,
* Ch. 128. |
_____ |
An Act authorising the Sale of the Real and Personal Estate therein
Lib. TH. No. 5, fol. 76. A Private Act.
Empowering Catharine Tyson, administratrix
of Nathan, to sell and convey
the real and personal estate of Benjamin Tyson, deceased. |
Passed Jan. 28, 1816. |
An Act to make valid the Deed therein mentioned. Lib.
TH. No. 5,
fol. 78. A Private Act.
Giving effect
to a deed of manumission executed by Martha Barnett. |
Passed Jan. 28, 1816. |
An Act to lay out and straighten a Road in Baltimore County.
TH. No. 5, fol. 78. |
Passed Jan. 29, 1816. |
1. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
Charles Walker, Hickman Johnston and Thomas Cromwell, be and
they are hereby appointed commissioners to view the old road,
leading from Stephen Gill's gate, in the county aforesaid, to the
road leading from Worthington's old mill o Baltimore; and they,
or a majority of them, are hereby authorised to alter, straighten
and amend the same, as they in their judgment shall deem most advantageous
for the said road, and the inhabitants through which the
same shall or may pass, and the said commissioners, or a majority
of them, shall survey, mark and bound, the said road, as altered,
straightened and amended by them, and a plot thereof, with a certificate
of the courses and distances of the same, return to the levy
court of Baltimore county; and if the levy court of said county,
upon consideration of all the circumstances, shall be of opinion that
the said road be of advantage, then and in such case the clerk of
said county shall record the same plot and certificate. |
Commissioners appointed
to view
road. |