upon, and to ordain, establish and put in execution, such by-laws,
ordinances and regulations, as to them shall seem conducive to the
interest of the said company, and necessary to the good government
and orderly management thereof, the same not being contrary
to the laws of this state or of the United States; and generally
to do and execute all such acts, matters and things, as to them shall
or may appertain to do. |
CHAP. 133. |
An Act for the benefit of the Heirs of John Richardson, late of
County, deceased. Lib. TH. No. 4, fol. 630.
A Private Act. |
Passed Jan. 23, 1816. |
An Act to ratify and protect the Title of the Third Haven Monthly
Meeting of Friends, commonly called Quakers, in Talbot
in and to the Lots of Land on which their several Meeting
stand, and to incorporate certain Members of their Society
as a
Body Politic for their benefit. Lib. TH. No.
4, fol. 631. |
Passed Jan. 23, 1816. |
WHEREAS it has been represented to this general
assembly, by
the petition of the members of the Third Haven Monthly Meeting
of Friends, commonly called Quakers, that the members of that
branch of the society of friends that is called and known among
the friends, and in the county aforesaid, by the name and distinction
of The Third Haven Monthly Meeting of Friends, have peaceably
and quietly held, under and in virtue of a deed of conveyance,
made on or about the twentieth day of August, in the year seventeen
hundred and five, by a certain Philemon Armstrong, of Talbot
county, to Thomas Taylor, William Dickinson and Daniel
Powell, and their heirs, in trust for the use and benefit of the
Third Haven Monthly Meeting of Friends, agreeably to the metes
and bounds expressed in said deed, all that lot or parcel of land
on which the Third Haven Monthly Meeting House stands, the same lot
being part of the tract of land called Londonderry situate, lying
and being, in the county aforesaid, near the head of Third Haven
Creek, and containing by estimation the quantity of three acres of
land more or less; also that they have in like manner peaceably
and quietly held, used and occupied, under and in virtue of a deed
of conveyance made and executed on or about the sixteenth day of
August, in the year seventeen hundred and one, by a certain Ennion
Williams of Talbot county aforesaid, to John Lowe, Robert
Clark and William Worrilow, and their heirs, for the use and
benefit of the said Third Haven Monthly Meeting of Friends, agreeably
to the metes and bounds expressed in the said deed, all that
lot or parcel of land on which the Bay side Meeting House stands,
the same lot being part of the tract of land called Ennion's Range,
situate, lying and being, in the county aforesaid, and containing
by estimation the like quantity of three acres of land more or less;
also that they have peaceably and quietly held, used and occupied,
under and in virtue of a conveyance deed, made and executed on
or about the twenty-fifth day of the sixth months, commonly called
June, in the year seventeen hundred and five, by John Jadwin,
Edward Clark and Benjamin Parrott, to George Bowes, Abram
Morgan and David Airy, and their heirs, for the use of the Third
Haven Monthly Meeting of Friends aforesaid, agreeably to the |
Preamble. |