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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
Volume 192, Page 1670   View pdf image (33K)
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CHAP. 22.

                                LAWS OF MARYLAND.

sustained by any person or persons by reason of said road
passing through his, her or their land, or by taking stone, gravel,
or other materials, for the use of said road, in cases where the
parties cannot agree, which estimate shall be final in determining
such damages.

As soon as two
miles are completed
tolls may be received.
    12.  AND BE IT ENACTED, That as soon as the said president,
managers and company, shall have perfected the road the distance
of two miles from the lower ferry on the river Susquehanna, or from
the intersection of the Elkton and Christiana turnpike road, or for
the like distance progressively, they shall give notice thereof to the
governor of this state, who shall thereupon forthwith nominate and
appoint three skilfull and judicious persons to view and examine the
same, and report to him in writing, whether the said road is so far
executed in a masterly and workmanlike manner, according to the
true intent and meaning of this act, and if their report shall be in
the affirmative, then the governor shall, by license under his hand
and the seal of the state, permit and suffer the president, managers
and company, to erect such and so many gates or turnpikes upon
and across the said road, as will be necessary to collect the tolls
granted to the said company from all persons travelling on the same
with horses, cattle, mules, wagons, carts or carriages.
Legislature may
take possession.
    13.  AND BE IT ENACTED, That if the legislature of Maryland
shall at any time after the year eighteen hundred and forty-five,
think proper to take possession of said road for the purpose of declaring
it a free road, six persons shall be appointed by the governor
of this state, and six persons shall be appointed by said company,
who, or any seven of whom, not having any interest in said road,
shall estimate the value of the property which said company have
therein, and whenever the amount so estimated shall be paid to said
company, their right to toll on said road, and all their right, title and
interest therein, shall cease.
Survey and location.


    14.  AND BE IT ENACTED, That the commissioners herein named
shall appoint five commissioners to locate and survey the said turnpike
road, and to exhibit a plot thereof, at the time of opening the
books of subscription for the said capital stock, which plot however
shall not be binding on the said company; Provided, that the road
from the bridge over Principio creek to North-East creek, north of
Charles-town, shall for ever be kept open and repaired as other
public roads in Cecil county are.

                                                        See 1816, ch. 132.


Passed Dec. 22.
*  Dec. 1813, ch. 47.
                                           CHAP. XXIII.
An Act Supplementary to the act*, entitled, An act to alter, straighten
    and amend, the Road therein mentioned in Harford County. 
    TH. No. 4, fol. 428.
Commissioners to
be appointed to
view road.
    1.  BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
Thomas Johnson, (of Barnett,) George Amos, (of James,) and
James McClaskey, be and they are hereby appointed commissioners
of review, to view that part of the road as altered and laid out by
the commissioners named in the law to which this is a supplement,
that runs through the land of Philip Quinlan, and upon viewing the
same if they, or a majority of them, shall be of opinion that the
said road as laid out by the former commissioners is not laid upon
the best ground, or where the public might be as well served with

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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
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