CHAP. 119. |
having so transferred or assigned the whole of his, her or their interests
and stock in the company, shall thereafter cease to be a
member or members of the said company to all intents and purposes. |
Passed Feb. 1, 1815. |
An Act annulling the Marriage of James W. James, alias James
Weeks, late of the City of Baltimore, and Mary Ann James.
TH. No. 4, fol. 379. |
Passed Feb. 1, 1815.
* 1811, ch. 191. |
A Supplement to an act*, entitled, An act to incorporate a Company
to open the navigation of Zachia Run. Lib.
TH. No. 4, fol. 380. |
Five persons may
act. |
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
any five of the persons named as managers in the first section of
the act to which this is a supplement, be and they are hereby authorised
and empowered to do and perform any act which a majority
of the said managers are authorised to do by the provisions
of the said act to which this is a supplement. |
Passed Feb. 1, 1815.
† 1805, ch. 110. |
An Additional Supplement to the act †, entitled, An act for the
relief of
Insolvent Debtors. Lib. TH. No. 4, fol. 380. |
Petitions now
depending not to
be continued beyond
session of
court. |
1. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
no petition for the benefit of the original act for the benefit of sundry
insolvent debtors, and the several supplements thereto, now
depending in any of the county courts of this state, shall be continued
beyond the second session of such court next after the passage
of this act, unless in cases where the court shall be satisfied a
further continuance is necessary to procure testimony material and
competent on the trial of any allegations made against the petitioner's
discharge, nor shall any such petition hereafter to be filed,
be continued beyond the first court next after the filing thereof unless
for the causes aforesaid.
By 1817, ch. 183, s. 7, no petition
to be dismissed before the time appointed by
the judge for the hearing. |
Dismissal of petitions. |
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That upon the dismissal
or withdrawing
of any petition for the benefit of said acts, or upon decisions
thereon against the petitioner, it shall not be necessary to revive
by scire facias any judgment which may have been suspended by
such petition, and process of execution may be issued upon such
judgments as if no such suspension had taken place. |
Plea of limitation. |
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the time intervening
between the
petitioning of any of said debtors, and the time that any of said
petitions may be dismissed, shall not be computed on any plea of
limitation so as to defeat any claim of any person against such
debtor. |
Passed Feb. 1, 1815. |
An Act for the relief of Mary Johnson of Charles County. Lib.
TH. No. 4, fol. 381. |
Levy authorised
for her support. |
1. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
the justices of the levy court of Charles county shall, and they are
hereby authorised and directed, to assess and levy annually, on the |