nature of the disability of such officer, non-commissioned officer,
musician or private, and in what degree it prevents him from obtaining
a subsistence by manual labour, which certificates shall entitle
him to receive half pay for life; Provided, such certificate
shall declare the disability to be of an incurable or permanent nature,
but if declared to be only of a transient or temporary nature,
then such half pay shall continue only so long as such disability
shall remain. |
CHAP. 113. |
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That if at any time
the governor and council
shall become satisfied that a pension is paid to any person not
entitled under a liberal construction of the provisions of this act,
they shall direct the treasurer to discontinue the payment of said
pension. |
Executive may
discontinue pensions. |
4. AND BE IT ENACTED, That from and after
the passage of this
act, no sale, transfer or mortgage, of the whole or any part of the
pension payable to any non-commissioned officer, musician or private,
under the provisions of this act, before the same becomes due,
shall be valid. |
Mortgages, &c. not
to be valid. |
An Act to provide for the better defence of the State, and to prevent
the necessity of frequent calls of the Militia.
Lib. TH. No. 4, fol.
For the defence of the state, and the
assistance of any adjoining state, and of
the District of Columbia, in case of actual or threatened invasion, this
act provided
for raising and keeping up by voluntary enlistment for the term of five
(but should the war terminate sooner they should be discharged,) five regiments
of infantry, and five companies of artillery, one to be attached to each
of infantry; and that the said troops be formed into one division and two
with the necessary officers, &c. The war having terminated, no
troops were
raised under the act, and it is therefore omitted. |
Passed Jan. 31, 1815. |
An Act for the relief of the Persons therein mentioned of Anne-Arundel
County. Lib. TH. No. 4, fol. 373. |
Passed Feb. 1, 1815. |
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
the levy court of Anne-Arundel county be and they are hereby authorised
and empowered, so long as they shall see fit so to do, to
assess and levy, at their levy court annually, on the assessable property
of said county, a sum of money not exceeding sixty dollars,
for the maintenance of Richard Allen, and Cassander his wife; thirty
dollars for Elizabeth Bryan, and her infant children; thirty dollars
for Singleton Warfield; and thirty dollars for Sarah Carman,
to be collected as other county charges are, and by the collector paid
over to the persons respectively entitled to receive the same. |
Levy authorised
for support of certain
persons. |
An Act to authorise the Lottery therein mentioned. Lib.
TH. No. 4,
fol. 374. |
Passed Feb. 1, 1815. |
1. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
the mayor and city council of Baltimore be and they are hereby
authorised and empowered, to propose and adopt a lottery, in one
or more classes, for the purpose of raising a sum not exceeding
thirty thousand dollars, for the purpose of procuring a lot of ground
and suitable buildings, to be called a House of Industry, for employing
in some useful manner the poor of said city or precincts, |
Lottery authorised. |