CHAP. 111.
Passed Jan. 28, 1815.
* May 1813, ch. 11. |
A Supplement to the act*, entitled, An act to provide for the settlement
of Claims arising from the past or future employment
of the Militia
of this State. Lib. TH. No. 4, fol. 368. |
Stores taken by
the enemy. |
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
the governor and council be, and they are hereby authorised to inquire
into the amount of stores laid in by any of the contractors
of the militia of this state, or other persons authorised to afford
supplies, and which stores and supplies may have been taken or
destroyed, or may hereafter be taken or destroyed by the public
enemy; and on the governor and council being satisfied from all
the facts and circumstances attending any such inquiry, they shall
and may allow just and adequate compensation for all losses, not
incurred through the negligence or fault of any of said contractors
or other persons as aforesaid; which said accounts, when settled
and allowed, shall be paid in the same manner as other militia accounts
now are, and the voucher and accounts therefor be preserved
and recorded in the manner directed by the act to which this is
a supplement. |
Passed Jan. 31, 1815. |
An Act for the benefit of Elizabeth Brewer, of the City of Annapolis.
Lib. TH. No. 4, fol. 369. |
Levy authorised
for her support. |
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
the justices of the levy court of Anne-Arundel county are hereby
authorised and empowered, and they shall at their next levy court,
and at their levy court annually, so long as they shall see cause,
levy on the assessable property of said county, a sum of money
not exceeding thirty dollars, for the support and maintenance of
Elizabeth Brewer, of said county, and the same shall be collected
and paid over to the said Elizabeth Brewer, or her order, in the
same manner as other county charges are collected and paid in
said county. |
Passed Jan. 31, 1815.
† May 1813, ch. 19. |
A Supplement to an act †, entitled, An act providing for
the calling
out and detaching the Militia of this State, and for
other purposes.
Lib. TH. No. 4, fol. 369. |
Persons disabled
to receive half pay. |
1. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
the treasurers of the respective shores of this state be and they are
hereby authorised and directed, to pay annually, in quarterly payments,
half pay to the officers, non-commissioned officers, musicians
and privates, of the militia of this state, who have been or hereafter
may be disabled while in service of this state, as a remuneration
for the injury they may or shall have received. |
Certificates. |
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That before any officer,
officer, musician or private, shall be entitled to receive half
pay under the provisions of this act, he shall produce to the treasurer
of the shore on which he resides, certificates, on oath or affirmation,
(as the case may be,) from the surgeon or surgeon's mate
of the regiment or extra battalion, (as the case may be,) to which
he belongs, and from a physician of reputation of the county in
which he resides, and from the officer under whose command he
was when the disability occurred, stating their opinion of the |