An Act relinquishing the right of the State of Maryland in a Tract
Land called McClean's Recovery, in Baltimore County,
to George
Grundy of the City of Baltimore. Lib.
TH. No. 4, fol. 343. A
Private Act. |
CHAP. 86.
Passed Jan. 26, 1815. |
An Act to incorporate a Company to make a Turnpike Road from the
Turnpike leading from Westminster through Harman's Gap
to Hager's-Town,
to Emmittsburg in Frederick County. Lib.
TH. No.
4, fol. 344. |
Passed Jan. 25, 1815. |
1. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
a company be incorporated for making a turnpike road, beginning
at a point on the turnpike road leading from Westminster through
Harman's Gap to Hager's-town, to be designated in the manner
herein after directed, and running in the nearest and best direction
to Emmittsburg. |
Company to be incorporated. |
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That subscription books
be opened for
a capital stock of thirty thousand dollars, in shares of twenty dollars
each, and that subscriptions be taken in Emmittsburg, for
twenty thousand dollars, under the direction of Robert L. Annan,
William Emmitt, Patrick Reed, Philip Troup, Jacob Troxel, of
John, George M. Eichelberger and George Troxel; for eight thousand
dollars, at Cloud's tavern on Big Pipe creek, under the direction
of Joshua Delaplane, Jacob Biggs, Benjamin Biggs, John Ross
Key, John Shorb, John Scott and Upton S. Reid; and for two thousand
dollars at Mechanics town, under the direction of John Stewart,
Samuel Ogle and John Leatherman; who are hereby appointed commissioners
for the purposes aforesaid; who shall on or before the
second Monday in May next, procure books and each enter as follows,
to wit: " We whose names are hereunto subscribed, do promise
to pay the president, managers and company, of the Emmittsburg
turnpike company, the sum of twenty dollars for every share of
stock in said company set opposite to our respective names. Witness
our hands this _____ day of _____, eighteen hundred and _____;"
and shall give notice in one or more of the public newspapers in
Frederick county, for one month at least, of the times when, and
places where the said books will be open to receive subscriptions
of stock for the said company, at which times and places at least
two of the said respective commissioners shall attend, and shall
permit and suffer all persons who shall offer to subscribe in person,
or by attorney duly authorised, in said books, which shall be kept
open for that purpose at least four hours every day, Sundays excepted,
for the space of three days, if three days shall be necessary;
and of at the expiration of the said three first days the said
books shall not have for each respective place of subscription, the
full number subscribed, the said respective commissioners may adjourn
from time to time until the number of shares respectively
shall be subscribed, of which adjournment public notice shall be
given in one or more of the public papers in Frederick county,
and when the said subscriptions in the said books shall amount to
the said respective numbers aforesaid, the same shall be closed;
Provided always, that every person offering to subscribe in the
said books in his own name, or in the name of any other person, |
books to be opened.
Proviso. |