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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
Volume 192, Page 1630   View pdf image (33K)
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CHAP. 83.

                                LAWS OF MARYLAND.

capital stock, and shall from time to time declare dividends of the
profits of the concern, and report to the stockholders the state of
their funds; they are also authorised to make such by-laws and regulations,
and the same to repeal at pleasure, as shall be necessary
for the well conducting of the business of the company, not inconsistent
with the provisions of this act; and shall generally have authority
to exercise all the powers and privileges conferred on or
appertaining to this corporation.

Sales of real estate.     6.  AND BE IT ENACTED, That sales of the real estate of the
said corporation may be made with the unanimous consent of the
directors, all of whom shall join in executing and acknowledging
according to law, conveyances of such estates, when sold as aforesaid.
Joint funds to be
be answerable for 
    7.  AND BE IT ENACTED, That all the property, estate and joint
stock, of said corporation, shall be bound and answerable for any
contracts or engagements made, or liability incurred by the directors
thereof, or through their agency or by their authority, but the
stockholders shall in no wise be answerable or liable therefor in
their individual capacities or private estates; and the service of any
judicial process by an authorised officer, upon any director, shall be
a good service upon the corporation.
Teacher to be provided.     8.  AND BE IT ENACTED, That it shall be the duty of the said
corporation to provide a competent teacher to instruct the children
employed in their service, in reading, writing, arithmetic and good
Special meetings.     9.  AND BE IT ENACTED, That special meetings of the stockholders
may be called by a majority of the directors, or by any
number of the stockholders who shall be owners of three-fourths of
the stock of the company.
Corporation may
be dissolved, &c.

    10.  AND BE IT ENACTED, That this corporation may be dissolved
on the written application of three-fourths of the stockholders
in number, who shall also be bona fide proprietors of three-fourths
of the whole stock in amount; and in that event, it shall be the duty
of the directors then being, to settle up all the concerns of the company,
without unnecessary delay, and to divide and distribute the
whole balance and nett proceeds thereof among the stockholders,
according to their respective interests; Provided, that no suit then
depending for or against the said corporation, shall be thereby abated,
nor any contract then subsisting by or with the said corporation,
be in any manner thereby altered or impaired.

Passed Jan. 26, 1815.
*  1791, ch. 67.
                               CHAP. LXXXIV.
A Further Supplement to the act*, entitled, An act for regulating the
    mode of staying Executions, and repealing the Acts of Assembly
    therein mentioned, and for other purposes. 
Lib. TH. No. 4, fol.

    By this act executions on judgments which should be superseded, were stayed
until the 31st of January 1816, at which time the act expired, being excepted out
of the continuing act of 1815, ch. 220.  This act repealed that of Dec. 1813, ch.


Passed Jan. 26, 1815.
                                CHAP. LXXXV.
An Act annulling the Marriage of John Meeds and Elizabeth Meeds,
            of Queen-Anne's county. 
Lib. TH. No. 4, fol. 342.

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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
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