CHAP. 81.
Levy court may
shut up or extend
roads if desired. |
4. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the justices of
the levy courts of
said counties respectively, shall have power to discontinue and shut
up any public road which they shall deem to be rendered unnecessary
by reason of opening said road, if the same be desired by the party
through whose land the old road does pass; and wherever, by the
departure of the new road from the bed of the old road, it may be
necessary to extend any road which at present leads into and intersects
the old road, it shall be lawful for the justices of the levy
courts aforesaid to extend such road until it intersects the new road,
in such direction as said justices shall deem most conducive to public
utility. |
Passed Jan. 17, 1815. |
An Act relative to Justices of the Peace and for other purposes.
TH. No. 4, fol. 333. |
Justices in case of
resignation, &c. to
deliver dockets,
&c. to clerk of
county. |
1. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
it shall be the duty of each and every justice of the peace, in case
of his resignation or removal from office, and of his executors, administrators,
or other person in whose hands the same may be, in
case of the death of such justice of the peace, to deliver his docket,
together with all the notes, bonds, accounts and papers, in his or
their possession, appertaining to judgments or suits entered thereon,
to the clerk of the county in which such justice resided, within one
month after such registration, removal from office or the reception
of the same, which shall be there kept as other records; and upon
any application the clerk shall deliver transcripts from the docket
or papers so returned to the person applying for the same, on which
such process may be issued by any justice of the peace as might
have been issued by the justice who may have kept such docket,
and for such transcripts the clerk shall be entitled to receive the
like fees as for other copies of records, under the penalty of forty
dollars, to be recovered by any person who shall sue for the same,
in the same manner as debts of that amount are recoverable by law. |
Notice of appointments,
how to be
given. |
That the commissions for the justices
of the peace shall be forwarded by the clerk of the council to the
clerks of the respective county courts, who shall immediately, on
the receipt thereof, enter the same among the records of his office,
and cause notice to be given to the several persons therein named
of their appointment, by advertisement set up at the court-house
door; and every person so appointed, and notified as aforesaid, if
he accepts thereof, unless he had been included in the commission
of the peace for the preceding year, and had taken the oaths, and
made the declaration prescribed by law, shall qualify as such, before
some person authorised by law; which qualification shall be
certified by the person before whom the same shall be made, and
such certificate or certificates shall be delivered to, and recorded
by the clerk fo the county court, in a book to be kept for that purpose. |
Penalty on persons
acting before having
qualified. |
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That if any person commissioned
justice of the peace, shall act as such before he hat taken the
several oaths and made the declaration required by law, and caused
a certificate thereof to be delivered to the clerk of the county court
as aforesaid, he shall forfeit and pay for every such offence the sum
of forty dollars, to be recovered and applied as other forfeitures
and penalties are directed by law. |