DEC. 1813.
CHAP. 138. |
contained shall be construed to prevent the said president and managers
from beginning to make the turnpike road aforesaid at or
near Westminster, and progressing towards Hager's-town, at the
same time that they shall commence on the west side of the mountain
aforesaid. |
or refusal to
Proviso. |
stockholder shall
at any time hereafter neglect or refuse to pay the several instalments
as they shall be called for according to law, on the stock by him,
her or them subscribed, the amount due at any time may be sued
for by the said corporation, and recovered as other debts due them,
and in all cases where a suit shall be brought to recover the amount
of any instalment due and unpaid, it shall be sufficient for the said
corporation to declare in an action for money had and received for
the use of the said corporation, and thereupon judgment shall be
given for the sum due from such stockholder, together with interest
thereon and costs and suit, and thereupon execution shall issue as in
like cases between private persons; Provided always, that nothing
in this act shall authorise the said president and managers to commence
suit for any instalment, unless they shall previously have
entered into a contract with some person or persons for the making
of one or more miles of said road; And provided also, that no recovery
shall be had against any delinquent stockholder to a greater
amount than one half of the stock by him, her or them subscribed
for. |
Money may be deposited
in any
bank, &c. |
shall and may deposit and keep the monies belonging to the said
corporation in any bank or banks, or other place of safety, which
shall, in the discretion and judgment of the president and managers
of the said company, be deemed most convenient for transacting
the business of said corporation, and which may be drawn
from such banks of place of deposit, in the manner prescribed by
the original act for incorporating the company aforesaid. |
* Ch. 50.
Error in former
act corrected. |
6. AND whereas, by the reviving act of assembly
passed at last
November session*, the original act aforesaid is stated to have
been passed at November session eighteen hundred and ten, instead
of November session eighteen hundred and nine, BE IT THEREFORE
ENACTED, That the said error is hereby corrected, and
the words " eighteen hundred and nine," shall be substituted in
the place of the words " eighteen hundred and ten," in said reviving
act. |
Passed Jan. 29, 1814. |
An Act to straighten and amend an old Road in Washington County.
Lib. TH. No. 4, fol. 176. |
Commissioners appointed
to survey
and amend road—
Direction. Damages
to be ascertained. |
1. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
John Bowles, David Schnebly and John Walgamot, of Washington
county, be and they are hereby appointed commissioners to survey,
straighten and amend, the old road leading from Hager's-town
to Mesersburg, know by the name of the Broad Fording
Road, to begin at the forks of the new Mesersburg road, near
Upton Lawrence's plantation, and extend to the cross roads in
John Long's lane, and thence by as straight a direction as the
ground will admit of to the place where a new bridge is now building
over Conococheague, and from said bridge to intersect the |