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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
Volume 192, Page 1537   View pdf image (33K)
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truly pay over the surplus as hereafter directed, which said bond
shall be liable to be put in suit for the use of any person or persons
who may be injured by a breach of the condition thereof.

DEC. 1813.

CHAP. 137.

    2.  AND BE IT ENACTED, That the persons aforesaid, or such of
them as may undertake to act as aforesaid, or a majority of them,
shall and they are hereby directed to pay over unto the vestry of
All-Saint's Parish, in Frederick county, within six months after
the drawing of the said lottery or lotteries, the balance remaining
in their hands, after paying the prizes and the necessary expenses
attending the drawing of the lottery or lotteries aforesaid.
Money to be paid
over to vestry.
    3.  AND BE IT ENACTED, That the vestry of All-Saint's Parish
aforesaid shall and they are hereby authorised and directed to apply
the said balance towards the finishing and completing of the
Protestant Episcopal Church lately erected in Frederick-town.
How to be applied.
                            CHAP. CXXXVIII.
A Supplement to an act*, entitled, An act to incorporate a Company
    to make a Turnpike Road from the Town of Westminster in
    Frederick County, through Harman's Gap, to Hager's-Town in
    Washington County. 
Lib. TH. No. 4, fol. 174.

Passed Jan. 28, 1814,
*  Nov. 1809, ch. 96.
    WHEREAS doubts have arisen whether an election made by the
stockholders in the month of June last, of a president, eight managers
and a treasurer, to conduct the business and affairs of a company
incorporated by the act, entitled, An act to incorporate a
company to make a turnpike road from Westminster, in Frederick
county, through Harman's Gap to Hager's-town, in Washington
county, is strictly legal, on account of an error in the act
of assembly to revive the said act above mentioned, and on account
also of an irregularity in giving the notice prescribed by
law of the time and place of holding said election;
    1.  BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED, by the General Assembly of
That the election aforesaid of a president, eight managers
and a treasurer, to conduct the affairs and business of the aforesaid
corporation, be and the same is hereby ratified and confirmed,
and is hereby declared to be as good and valid, to all intents and
purposes, as if the same had been made in strict conformity with
the provisions of the original act for incorporating said company.
Election of president,
&c. ratified.
    2.  AND BE IT ENACTED, That the president, managers and
treasurer, so chosen as aforesaid, shall hold their offices, and exercise
all the powers vested in them respectively, until a new election
shall take place, which election shall hereafter be made on the days
and in the mode prescribed by the original act aforesaid.
Officers to serve
until a new election.
    3.  AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That the president and managers
for the time being of the said corporation, shall and may, if
they shall deem it expedient so to do, commence making a part of
the turnpike road aforesaid at the foot of the South Mountain, on
the west side thereof, and progress with the same in the direction
towards Westminster; and so soon as the said road from the point
aforesaid towards Westminster shall be fully completed to the extent
of five miles, the said corporation shall and they are hereby
authorised to receive the same rate of tolls on so much of that part
of said road, as if the said road had been commenced at and proceeded
from Westminster; Provided always, That nothing herein
Where road may
be commenced.


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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
Volume 192, Page 1537   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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