DEC. 1813. |
a license under his hand and the lesser seal of the commonwealth,
the governor of Maryland shall and may issue a license
under his hand, and that the forfeitures and privileges provided by
the said act to be paid to the supervisors of townships or highways,
shall in this state be paid to the levy courts of Baltimore and Harford
counties respectively, as the case may be, for the use of such
4. This section repealed by 1815, ch. 42. |
Copy to be sent to
governor of Pennsylvania. |
5. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the governor of
the state of
Maryland be and he is hereby required to cause a certified copy of
this act to be transmitted to the governor of the commonwealth of
Pennsylvania. |
Passed Jan. 27, 1814. |
An Act extending the benefit of the Insolvent Laws to certain Petitioners
therein mentioned. Lib. TH. No. 4, fol. 160. |
Benefit of insolvent
laws granted
to certain persons.
* Ch. 110. |
1. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
Henry W. Magruder of Prince-George's county, Alexander
McConnell, Caleb Boyle and Charles Herstons of Baltimore county,
Caspar Otto Muller, James Spillman, Henry E. Bayly, Alexander
Mitchell, Joseph Chapman, Isaac Walker, David Sterrat,
Walter Muschett, Walter Simpson, and Walter Simpson, junior, of
the city of Baltimore, and Levin Kimmey of Caroline county,
shall be, and each of them hereby is entitled to receive the full
benefit of, and final release under the act, entitled, An act for the
relief of sundry insolvent debtors, passed November session one
thousand eight hundred and five*, and of the several supplements
thereto, on the terms and conditions prescribed in said act, provided
that it shall not be required of them, or either of them, to produce
to the court to which application may be made, the assent of
two thirds of their or of either of their creditors in amount. |
Assent of creditors
of Saml. McKean
not required. |
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That Samuel McKean of
the city of
Baltimore, shall be and he hereby is entitled to the full benefit of
and final release under said acts, on the terms and conditions therein
prescribed, without being required to produce to the court the
assent of two thirds of his creditors in amount, and notwithstanding
any conveyance or conveyances made by him to William
Gwynn and James Campbell, in trust for the benefit of his creditors,
and which conveyances are hereby confirmed. |
Assent of creditors
of John Devereaux
not required. |
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That John Devereaux
now of the city of
Baltimore, shall be and he is hereby entitled to the full benefit of,
and final release under said acts, on the terms and conditions therein
prescribed, without being required to produce to the court the
assent of two thirds of his creditors in amount, or any evidence
that he has resided in this state two years preceding the time of his
application for such benefit. |