work within three years, or shall not within ten years after being
incorporated as aforesaid, complete the same according to the true
intent and meaning of this act, then in either of those cases it
shall and may be lawful for the legislature of the Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania and of the state of Maryland respectively, to resume
all and singular the rights, liberties, privileges and franchises,
by this act granted to the said company. |
DEC. 1813.
CHAP. 126. |
" Sec. 25. And be it further enacted by
the authority aforesaid,
That if the legislature of Pennsylvania or Maryland should, at
any time after the year one thousand eight hundred and forty-five,
think proper to take possession of the said road, for the purpose
of declaring it a free road, three persons shall be appointed by the
governor of Pennsylvania, three by the governor of Maryland,
and six by the president and managers of the said company, who,
or any seven or more of them, not having any interest in the said
road, shall proceed to examine and estimate the value of the property
which the said company have therein, and certify the amount
thereof within each state to the governors respectively, who
shall cause to be laid before the legislature at their next session,
and whenever the amount so certified shall be by law paid to
the said company, and not till then, their right to take toll on the
said road, together with all their right, title, claim and interest
therein, shall cease and determine. |
If legislatures
should think proper
to declare the
road a free one,
how to proceed. |
" Sec. 26. And be it further enacted by
the authority aforesaid,
That the governor of this commonwealth be and he is hereby required
to cause a certified copy of this act to be transmitted to the
governor of the state of Maryland, with a request that he will lay
the same before the legislature of that state during their present session."
Therefore, |
Copy to be transmitted
to governor
of Maryland. |
1. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
the above recited act be, and the same is hereby adopted and declared
to be, a law of the state of Maryland, and when two hundred
and fifty, or the whole number of shares shall be subscribed,
the stockholders in said company shall be and are hereby incorporated
and constituted a body politic, by the name and style of The
President, Managers and Company, of the Baltimore and Strasburg
Turnpike Road, and by the same name the said subscribers
shall have succession during the continuance of this incorporation,
and all the privileges and franchises of or incident to a corporation,
and shall be capable of suing and being sued, answering and
being answered, and of making a seal, and altering, breaking and
renewing the same, according to their will and pleasure, and of
doing all other things which a corporation or body politic may
lawfully do. |
Preceeding act adopted
and company
incorporated. |
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the appraisers
to be appointed in
pursuance of the ninth section of said recited act, shall in this
state be appointed by the county court of Baltimore or Harford
county, as the case may be, and all offences provided by the act
aforesaid to be cognizable and punishable by and before the courts
of quarter sessions, or of common pleas, in the commonwealth of
Pennsylvania, shall be cognizable and punishable by and before
the courts of this state, having jurisdiction in like cases. |
Appraisers to be
appointed by
courts of Baltimore
and Harford. |
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That in any case wherein
it is provided
by the act aforesaid that the governor of Pennsylvania may issue |
Licenses. |