An Act to alter and change the name of William Hammersley and
Francis Hammersley, his Son, of Charles County, to that
of William
Hammersley Pile and Francis Hammersley Pile.
Lib. TH. No. 3,
fol. 562. |
MAY 1813.
CHAP. 10..
Passed May 8. |
An Act to provide for the settlement of Claims arising from the
past or
future employment of the Militia of this State.
Lib. TH. No. 3,
fol. 563.
Supplements 1814, ch. 111, and 1815, ch. 84. |
Passed May 28. |
1. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland,
the governor and council are hereby directed to appoint two fit and
proper persons, one to be a resident on the eastern, and the other
on the western shore, who shall be styled Accountants of Militia,
who shall be charged with the settlement of all claims
against the state arising from the past or future employment of
the militia of this state, on their respective shores, and it shall be
their duty to report, from time to time, all such settlements, with
the vouchers thereof, as shall have been made by them, to the governor
and council for their revision. |
Governor and
council to appoint
accountants of militia
claims. |
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the governor and
council shall
give to said accountants such instructions as they shall think necessary,
in what manner they shall settle and pass the accounts presented
to them, and shall also, if they deem it necessary, direct
the adjutant-general to furnish said accountants with blank printed
forms of accounts; and the said accountants respectively shall,
when called on, deliver to any officer or officers having called out
any part of the militia, so many of such blank accounts as shall
be necessary for him or them for stating his or their accounts. |
To instruct them
in what manner
they shall settle
accounts. |
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That when any account
shall have been
settled and passed, the accountant shall deliver to the person who
presented the same for settlement, a duplicate thereof, and certify
thereon that he has passed the same. |
Duplicates of accounts. |
4. AND BE IT ENACTED, That all contractors
for supplies for
the militia of this state, and quarter-masters, shall render their
for settlement to the militia accountants of the respective
shores where the said contractors and quarter-masters reside. |
Contractors, &c.
to render their accounts
to militia
accountants. |
5. AND BE IT ENACTED, That all muster rolls
for tours of duty
already performed, or which may hereafter be performed, shall be
verified by the oath of the respective commanding officer of the
respective companies performing such duty, or if it is impracticable
to procure the oath of the same, then by the oath of the next in
command, and if the same cannot be obtained, then by some other
satisfactory evidence. |
Muster rolls to be
be verified by oath
of commanding
officer. |
6. AND BE IT ENACTED, That before the said
accountants shall
proceed to the discharge of their respective duties, they shall severally
take the following oath, or affirmation: " I, A. B. do solemnly
swear, or affirm, (as the case may be,) that I will faithfully and
honestly discharge the duty of militia accountant for _____ shore of
Maryland, and that I will not, either from favour, partiality or
affection, admit any account exhibited against the state of Maryland,
nor reject any from hatred or ill-will, and will settle the same
fairly and impartially, according to the best of my skill and judgment |
Accountants' oath. |