on the first Monday in April (a) in each year, for the purpose of
noting transfers and hearing appeals, and shall sit so long as shall
be necessary, not exceeding twenty days in any year, and they shall
give public notice of the times of such meeting.
(a) By December 1813, ch. 34,
changed to February as to Frederick county. |
NOV. 1812.
CHAP. 191. |
44. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the commissioners
of the
several counties, and of the city of Baltimore, shall on the first
day of their meeting in each year, appoint a clerk, who before
he enters upon the duties of his office, shall take the following
oath, or affirmation, (as the case may be,) to wit: " I, A. B. do
swear (or affirm,) that as clerk to the commissioners of the tax of
_____ _____ county, (or city,) I will to the best of my skill and
judgment, execute the duties of said office, without favour, affection,
partiality or prejudice;" which oath or affirmation any one of the
commissioners of the tax, or any justice of the peace may administer. |
Clerks to commissioners,
their oath. |
45. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said commissioners
cause their clerk to deliver to the clerk of his county, and to the
collector of the tax annually, on or before the twentieth day of
June, each a duplicate of the alphabetical list of the owners or persons
chargeable with the assessment of property within their county,
with the amount of each person's assessed property, annexed
to his or her name, and in case such clerk shall neglect or refuse
to comply therewith, he shall forfeit and pay the sum of two hundred
dollars for every such offence; and it shall be the duty of the
clerks of the respective counties to keep the said duplicate in some
conspicuous place in his office, subject to the inspection and perusal
of the citizens of his county without fee or reward. |
Duplicates of alphabetical
lists of
owners of property
to be delivered
to clerks. |
46. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the following
persons shall be,
and are hereby appointed commissioners for the several and respective
counties of this state, and the city of Baltimore, to wit: For
St. Mary's county, John R. Plater, Thomas Gardiner, James
Hopewell, William Mills and Francis Millard; for Kent county,
Nathaniel Comegys, Thomas Whittington, James Brook, Benjamin
Hanson and Lews Blackston; for Anne-Arundel county (a), William
Hall, (the 3d,) Thomas Worthington, (of Nicholas,) John
S. Belt, Richard Merriken and Osborn S. Harwood; for Calvert
county, Joseph Blake, Mordecai Smith, James Duke, Howe Somervell
and John Gray; for Charles county, William H. McPherson,
William Vincent, Thomas H. Reeder, George H. Spalding and
Lawrence Posey; for Baltimore county, Benjamin Talbott, Alexis
Lemmon, William Krebs, Moses Brown and Thomas Johnson; for
Talbot county, Samuel Stevens, David Kerr, Lewis Bush, Anthony
Banning and Charles Gibson; for Somerset county, John Dashiell,
sen. Samuel Smith, sen. William Cottman, John Dashiell
(of Jesse,) and Charles Nutter; for Dorchester county, Richard
Pattison, Samuel Brown, Solomon Frazier, Washington Lake and
James Chaplain; for Cecil county (b), Littleton Gale, Stephen Hollingsworth,
Edward Oldham, James Leiper Porter and John Jordan;
for Prince-George's county (b), Robert Sewall, Francis M.
(a) By 1816, ch. 22, a revaluation
of real and personal property to be made in
Anne-Arundel, Talbot and Somerset counties, and other commissioners named,
(b) By 1817, ch. 41, a revaluation of real and
personal property to be made in
Cecil and Prince George's counties, and other commissioners
of the tax appointed
for those counties. |
Commissioners appointed. |