NOV. 1812.
CHAP. 191. |
shall be subject to and liable for the county taxes, as other lands
are in Allegany county, any law to the contrary notwithstanding;
and that the commissioners of the tax for Allegany county be and
they are hereby authorised and empowered, to procure from the
marshal of the district of Maryland, a list of lands, lots and parts
of lots, sold for the direct tax, and the purchaser or purchasers
thereof, the expense of which to be levied on Allegany county as
other county charges. |
List of lands granted,
&c. to be made
out. |
39. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the register of
the land office
shall, at the time of making the list of land before directed, make
out a list of all lands granted, disposed of or sold, in virtue of any
of the said acts, not heretofore returned, and deliver the same, directed
to the commissioners of the tax for Allegany county, sealed
and endorsed as aforesaid, to the sheriff of Anne-Arundel county,
to be forwarded as aforesaid. |
Vacancies of collectors,
how to be
supplied. |
40. AND BE IT ENACTED, That in case of the
death of any collector
of the county taxes, and before the expiration of the time
limited by law for the collection of the levy, the justices of the levy
court of the said county, or a majority of them, shall, as soon
after the death of said collector as shall be convenient, meet at
the usual place of meeting, and appoint from amongst the securities
of such collector, another collector, who shall give bond and security
for the collection of the levy not collected by the former collector,
and take an oath in the same manner as is herein before directed
to be taken by the former collector, and in case of refusal,
or if the collector appointed out of them doth not give bond as
aforesaid, the said justices of the levy court, or a majority of them,
shall proceed to appoint a person who shall give bond as aforesaid,
and take the oath as before directed, not confining their choice to
the said securities; and the person appointed collector as aforesaid
shall have the same power and authority in the collection of the
said levy, within the space of one year from the time of giving
bond as aforesaid to collect the said levy, as was vested in the first
collector, and he and his securities may be proceeded against for
a breach of duty in the same manner as against the first collector
and his securities. |
Fines and penalties,
how to be recovered. |
41. AND BE IT ENACTED, That all fines and
penalties created and
imposed by this act, shall and may be recovered in the name of the
state, by indictment, in the court of the county having criminal jurisdiction
wherein the same shall accrue, and be applied one half to the
use of the informer, and the other half to the use of the county;
and it shall be the duty of the clerk of such court to return annually
to the levy court a list of all fines and penalties imposed by virtue
of this act. |
Ratio of reduction. |
42. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the commissioners
of the tax for
the several counties, and the city of Baltimore, after the several
assessors shall have made the valuation of the lots and improvements
thereon in the several cities and towns, and their respective
precincts, shall reduce the same by application of the same ratio of
reduction as shall have been applied by the several commissioners
to the lands and improvements in the several and respective counties. |
Meetings for noting
transfers and
hearing appeals. |
43. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the commissioners
of the tax in
the several counties in this state, and the city of Baltimore,
shall, from and after the first year of the operation of this act, meet |