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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
Volume 192, Page 1410   View pdf image (33K)
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                                CHAP. CLXXXIII.
An Act authorising Robert Welch, (of Ben.) former Collector of
    Anne-Arundel County, to complete his Collection. 
Lib. TH. No.
    3, fol. 524.

NOV. 1812.

CHAP. 183.

Passed Jan. 1, 1813.

                                 CHAP. CLXXXIV.
An Act for the removal of certain Proceedings against General Henry
    Lee of the City of Alexandria, from the County Court of Baltimore
    County, to the County Court of Montgomery County, and for
    other purposes. 
Lib. TH. No. 3, fol. 525.

Passed Jan. 1, 1813.
                                  CHAP. CLXXXV.
An Act for the relief of William Smith, and others, of the City of
Lib. TH. No. 3, fol. 526.

Passed Jan. 1, 1813.
    WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly, by the petition
of the said William Smith, John Baptiste, Michael Whelan,
(guardian for J. Jones' orphan children,) John H. Thompson and
John Guiray, that by an act of assembly passed at November session
eighteen hundred and nine*, a part of their ground binding
upon the west side of Argyle-alley, as located and established by
the commissioners under the act of November session eighteen
hundred and ninety four †, and contained within the following
streets and alleys; that is to say, Market-street on the west, Wilk-street
on the north, Argyle-alley on the east, and Fleet-street on
the south, has been condemned and appropriated to public use as a
public alley by the name of Argyle-alley, and that the said petitioners
have not been paid or in any degree compensated for said
property:  And whereas, it is but just and reasonable, that whenever
private property is taken for public use, the individual whose
property is so taken should be fully reimbursed any loss or injury
he may thereby sustain; therefore,

*  Ch. 82.

† 1784, ch. 39.
    1.  BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
James Carey, James Biays, Job Smith, Esq. (of Fell's Point,)
Samuel Sterett, Samuel Williams, David Williamson, Robert
Walsh, John Stricker, William Matthews, Robert Stuart and
Thomas Kell, be and they are hereby appointed commissioners for
the purposes herein mentioned, and they shall determine whether
Argyle-alley, from Fleet-street to Wilk-street, as a division between
the proprietors of lots on the east, and those on the west side of
said alley, ought to be midway between Market and Ann-streets,
or where it has been laid out in pursuance of an act passed at November
session eighteen hundred and nine; and if said commissioners,
(two thirds of whom agreeing thereto,) shall decide that Argyle-alley,
as the true division between the lots aforesaid, ought to
be midway between Market and Ann-streets, then said commissioners
shall proceed to determine, by a majority of votes, the damages
sustained by each proprietor of the lots on the west side of
Argyle-alley, by reason of said alley being placed as it was by
said act, and the provisions of this act; and said commissioners
shall also, in manner aforesaid, determine how much each proprietor
of the lots on the east side of said alley shall pay to make
up said damages; and each proprietor of ground on the east side
adjacent to said alley, as determined as aforesaid to be the true division,
shall become the proprietor of the ground westwardly, the
their duties.

                        VOL. II.                    89


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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
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