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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
Volume 192, Page 1398   View pdf image (33K)
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directed to any constable of the county, commanding him to summon
twelve freeholders uninterested in the opening of the said
road, to appear on a day by the said justice to be appointed, on
the land of the person or persons making application as aforesaid,
or for whose benefit such application shall be made; and the said
freeholders, having first made oath before some justice of the 
peace, that they will without favour, affection or partiality, assess
the damages sustained by the person or persons at whose request
such inquisition shall be taken, by reason of opening the aforesaid
road through his, her or their land, shall thereupon proceed to assess
and value the damages accordingly, taking into consideration
the advantages and disadvantages, (if any,) of which the said
commissioners, or a majority, shall have at least five days notice,
and shall return the damages so assessed to the said justice of the
peace, and such inquisition and valuation shall be final and conclusive;
Provided, that the said road shall not pass through any
house, yard, garden or orchard, without the consent of the owner
or owners thereof.

NOV. 1812.

CHAP. 176.


                                   CHAP.  CLXXVII.
An Act to alter, change and repeal, all such parts of the Constitution
    and Form of Government of this State, as relate to the division of
    Prince-George's County into Election Districts. 
Lib. TH. No. 3,
    fol. 512.

                    This act was not confirmed as part of the constitution.

Passed Dec. 29.
                                   CHAP.  CLXXVIII.
An Act to repeal so much of the Laws of this State as required Property
              Qualification in Jurors. 
Lib. TH. No. 3, fol. 512.

Passed Dec. 30.
    BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That so
much of the laws of this state as requires a property qualification
of fifty acres of land in his county, or property in this state (a)
above the value of three hundred pounds current money, in persons
summoned as jurors, be and the same is hereby repealed.

                                    (a)  See February 1777, ch. 15, s. 10.

Laws requiring
property qualifications
in jurors
                                   CHAP.  CLXXIX.
An Act to authorise William Courts, of Charles County, to remove
    and bring into this State, certain Negroes. 
Lib. TH. No. 3, fol.

Passed Dec. 31.
                                   CHAP.  CLXXX.
An Act to establish a Bank in the City of Baltimore, to be called The
                City Bank of Baltimore. 
Lib. TH. No. 3, fol. 513.

                               Supplements, 1814, ch. 39, and 1815, ch. 221.

Passed Dec. 31.
    WHEREAS sundry inhabitants of the city of Baltimore, in behalf
of themselves and other of their fellow citizens, have petitioned
this general assembly, setting forth that they are desirous
of establishing a bank in the city of Baltimore, under the name
and style of The President, Directors and Company, of the City
Bank of Baltimore, and praying that an act may be passed to incorporate
the same:  And whereas the agricultural, commercial, and
manufacturing interests of this state may be greatly promoted by
such an institution, therefore,

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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
Volume 192, Page 1398   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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