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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
Volume 192, Page 133   View pdf image (33K)
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owner or owners of the land over which such road so laid out shall
pass, and what damages such owner or owners will actually suffer
from the passage of such road over the said land, the said jury
taking into consideration all conveniencies and inconveniencies,
advantages and disadvantages, if any, arising thereby or therefrom,
by the opening of said road; and such sheriff shall return
the inquisition of the jury aforesaid, under their hands and seals,
and the hand and seal of said sheriff, to the levy court of the county,
and the amount of damages therein expressed, if any, shall be
paid, or secured to be paid, agreeably to the direction of the levy
court, or may be levied, collected and paid, as other county taxes
are levied, collected and paid; Provided, that no road shall be made
to run through any building, enclosed garden, yard or orchard,
without the consent of the owner or owners, nor shall any field in
which grain, hemp, flax, tobacco, meadow, or other cultivated vegetables
are growing, be laid open until after the season for collecting
and securing the crop growing in such field.


CHAP. 26.


    4.  AND BE IT ENACTED, That the levy court of Allegany
county shall have all the power and authority of granting private
roads that by law is now vested in the county courts; Provided, that
there may be an appeal from the decision of the levy court to the
county court, in the same manner as from the county court to the 
general court, and the county court, on such appeal, shall have the
same authority as the general court would have had on an appeal
from the county court.
Levy court authorised
to grant private
    5.  AND BE IT ENACTED, That so much of the act, * entitled, 
An act to declare and ascertain the right of citizens of this state
to private roads or ways, as is inconsistent with the provisions of
this act, be and the same is hereby repealed.
Part of an act repealed.
* 1785, ch. 49.
    6.  AND BE IT ENACTED, That the levy court of the said county
be and they are hereby vested with power and authority to apportion
the labourers on the several public roads in the said county,
and to make such further regulations to carry the road laws of said
county into effect as they may think proper.

                                                    See 1804, ch. 81.

Court authorised
to appoint labourers.
    7.  AND BE IT ENACTED, That a road already laid out from the
town of Cumberland to Sidling Hill Creek, by virtue of an act, † entitled,
An act to lay out, alter and confirm, certain roads in Allegany
county, so far as the same is opened, shall be deemed and
considered as a public road, and shall be cleared and kept in repair
in manner as is provided for the repairing the public roads of said
county; and upon the further opening of the said road, such part
thereof shall immediately be considered as part of the public roads
of the said county, and shall be cleared and kept in repair in manner
A certain road
made public.
† 1799, ch. 78.
    8.  AND BE IT ENACTED, That this act shall be in force for
three years, and to the end of the next session of assembly that
shall happen thereafter.

    Continued by 1804, ch. 81, to 30th October 1807, &c. and by 1805, ch. 89, for
four years, &c.  Further continued by 1810, ch. 147, and other annual continuing


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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
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