CHAP. 82. |
over the same to the treasurers of the western and eastern shores
respectively, before the first day of September next, such neglect
shall be deemed, taken and considered, to be a misbehaviour in
office. |
Passed Dec. 19.
* April, 1787, ch.
29. |
A Supplemental act to the act * to straighten and amend the Post
Road from Havre-de-Grace to Baltimore-Town. Lib.
JG. No. 3,
fol. 488.
This act repealed by 1801, ch. 23. |
Passed Dec. 19.
† 1797, ch. 73. See
ch. 13. |
A Further Supplement to an act † for building a new Gaol
in Baltimore
County. Lib. JG. No. 3, fol. 489. |
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
the levy court of Baltimore county be and they are hereby empowered
and directed, to impose annually, on the assessable property of
said county, the sum of four thousand dollars, in addition to the
sum already by law directed to be levied on said county, the said
sum to be assessed, together with an allowance to the collector for
collecting the same, and collected as other county taxes are, and
when collected, the same shall be paid to the commissioners appointed
under the original act to which this is a supplement, to be
by them applied towards erecting said gaol, or discharging debts
contracted in the erection thereof, which said additional sum of
four thousand dollars current money shall be annually imposed by
the said levy court, on the assessable property of said county, until
the requisite money for completing said gaol, and all debts contracted
by the means thereof, be fully discharged, satisfied and
paid. |
Passed Dec. 19. |
An Additional Supplement to the act, (c) entitled, An act
for the establishment
and regulation of the Levy Courts in the several Counties
of this State. Lib. JG. No. 3, fol. 489.
(c) 1794, ch. 53. See
1804, ch. 73. 1807, ch. 129. 1816, ch. 96; and 1817,
ch. 22. |
Before sale of property
on account
to be delivered. |
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
before any personal property shall be seized, distrained or sold, by
any collector of the county assessment to enforce the payment
thereof, the said collector shall deliver to the person from whom
the same is demanded, or leave at his or her last place of abode, a
particular account of the species and amount of property with
which such person is assessed, the rate of tax imposed thereon,
and the amount of such tax. |
Passed Dec. 19.
‡ Ch. 44. |
An Additional Supplement to an act, ‡ entitled, An act for
the relief of
Insolvent Debtors. Lib. JG. No. 3, fol. 490.
The following persons were petitioners
for relief under this act, viz. Edward
Hargadine, of Queen-Anne's county, and George Carnaghan, of the city of
See the note under chapter 44. |