CHAP. 7. |
perches and one half a perch, then east twenty perches, then north
by east twenty-three perches, then with a straight line to the beginning,
containing two acres and seven-eighths of an acre, more or
less, shall be and the same is hereby vested in Joseph Turner and
Jacob Lamb, of Kent county, or the survivor of them, and in the
heirs or assigns of such survivor, for ever, in trust for the use of
the society of people in Kent county called Quakers, worshipping
at the meeting-house commonly called the Cecil meeting-house. |
Certain tract of
land vested in society
at Chester meeting
Proviso. |
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That all that tract
or parcel of land
lying in Kent county, being part of a tract of land called Bristol,
and included within the following lines; that is to say, beginning at
a stone placed near the public road leading from Chester-town, in
Quaker Neck, marked with letters B. M. H. and running north,
sixteen degrees and an half east, eighteen perches, then south,
eighty degrees east, seventeen perches, then south, fifteen degrees
east, fifteen perches, then with a straight line to the beginning, containing
two acres and one quarter of an acre, more or less, shall
be and the same is hereby vested in William Trew and Joseph Simmons,
of Kent county, and the survivor of them, and in the heirs
or assigns of such survivor, for ever, in trust for the use of the society
of people in Kent county called Quakers, worshipping at the
meeting-house in Quaker Neck, commonly called Chester Meeting-house;
Provided, that nothing herein contained shall be construed
to affect the existing title of any person or persons in and to the
said lands. |
Passed Dec. 23. |
An Act to release the right of the State to a part of a Tract of
therein mentioned (a). Lib. TH. No. 2, fol.
436. A Private Act.
(a) Called Eslington, relinquished
to and vested in Joshua Leghtizer and Catharine
his wife. |
Passed Dec. 23. |
An Act for the support of William Clarke, and his helpless Family,
Worcester County. Lib. TH. No. 2, fol. 436. |
Levy authorised
for their support. |
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the
justices of the levy court of Worcester county shall and they are
hereby empowered, at their next levy court, and at their levy court
annually, so long as they shall see cause, to levy on the assessable
property of said county a sum of money, not exceeding fifty dollars,
for the support of said William Clarke and his helpless family, and
the same, when collected, to be paid to such person as the levy
court shall appoint, for the use of the said William Clarke and his
helpless family. |
Passed Dec. 23. |
An Act for the benefit of the infant Children of James Wilson Perry,
of Montgomery County, deceased. Lib. TH. No.
2, fol. 437.
A Supplement, ch. 73. |
Passed Dec. 23. |
An Act to lay out and make public a Road in Anne-Arundel County.
Lib. TH. No. 2, fol. 438. |
Commissioners appointed
to lay out
and open a road. |
1. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
Lancelot Warfield, William D. Merriken, Augustino Gambrill, |