appoint three persons of discretion and good judgment as commissioners,
to run and establish the line between said counties, and
such line, when so run and established, shall be the proper divisional
line between said counties for ever hereafter. |
CHAP. 6. |
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That it shall be the
duty of the said
commissioners, or a majority of them, as soon as they can conveniently
after their appointment, proceed to the discharge of their
duty, and in case of disagreement, they may appoint among themselves
one or more commissioners from an adjoining county, and
the commissioners, when assembled, shall proceed to the discharge
of their duty, first having severally taken an oath that they will,
respectively, without favour or prejudice, to the best of their skill
and judgment, run and establish the divisional line between Frederick
and Washington counties, as nearly as may be, agreeable to
the intent and meaning of the convention of seventeen hundred and
seventy-six; they shall appoint a surveyor, chain carriers, and
other proper necessary assistants in the performance of their duty. |
To take an oath
before they proceed
to discharge
of their duties. |
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the commissioners
aforesaid, or a
majority of them, after they shall have run out and established the
said divisional line, shall cause two plots of the same to be made
out, and shall make out also two several certificates, under their
hands and seals, specifying the courses, distances, marks and
boundaries, fixed and made by them, to designate the said line, one
of which said plots and certificates shall be returned to the clerk of
Frederick county court, and the other to be returned to the clerk
of Washington county court, to be recorded in the land record books
of said counties respectively. |
After establishing
line to make out
plots of the same. |
4. AND BE IT ENACTED, That it shall be the
duty of the levy
courts of Frederick and Washington counties, to levy and assess
on the inhabitants of their respective counties a reasonable sum to
defray the necessary expenses arising in virtue of this act, one half
of which to be defrayed by each county. |
Levy authorised
to defray expenses. |
An Act for the benefit of the people in Kent County called Quakers.
Lib. TH. No. 2, fol. 435. |
Passed Dec. 23. |
WHEREAS certain members of the society of people
in Kent
county called Quakers, have represented to this general assembly,
that the lots of land herein after particularly described, upon
which houses of public worship are erected, were heretofore conveyed
by the proprietors in trust for the use of the society, and
have been so held and considered, but that in consequence of the
death of all the parties to the original conveyances, the title to
the said parcels of land has now become doubtful, and have prayed
that the same may be confirmed according to the true intention of
the said original conveyance; and the same being thought reasonable,
therefore, |
Preamble. |
2. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
all that lot or parcel of land lying in Kent county, being part of
two tracts of land called Warner's Addition and Warner's Adventure,
and included within the following lines; that is to say, beginning
at a stone near the road leading from Linche's gate to the middle
church, it being the beginning of a tract of land called Warner's
Addition, and running from thence south by east twenty-three |
Certain lot vested
in persons in trust
for society worshipping
at Cecil
meeting-house. |