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Somerset County Judicial Records, 1690-1691
Volume 191, Page 177   View pdf image (33K)
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( 177 ) 8ber the 2d. 1691.
- - - - - - - - -
Then was this following accot. produced viz
John: Tayler. Dr. lb tob.
To 500lb. Tobacco pd by mr Andrew: Whittington: 500 The sd accot upon ye left hand
To 140lb: Tobacco pd at mr Joseph:Thaxters store: 140 was Sworne too, by the sd
640 Jno. Strawbridge to be justly due
Errors Excepted pr me. Jno: Strawbridge - - - - - - - - - - -

The Declaration and plea being read, issue joynd the totall proceedings was referred to a Jury. And thereupon
Comand was given to the Sheriffe of our County to Sumons a Jury of good and Lawfull men of his Balywick
the matter might be the better knowne. A list or pannel whereof was forthwith returned, whose names were
as followeteh viz. Richard:Chambers. Adam: Hitch: John: Sterling. Joseph: Bowles. Samuel: Richardson
William: Goldsmith. George:Russell. Richard:Holland. John: Smock. John:Magnett Samuel Alexander Robt. Catlin
who being legally Sumoned and Sworne upon the holy Evangelists, having heard the totall proceedings fairly
discust receives their Charge are Sent forth in Order to determine the matter. - - - - - - - - And this day (viz)
the Second day of 8ber 1691. The aforesd Jury being in Court returned, being called over prticularly by their
names, being askt, are all unnanimously agreed of their Verdict // The plt & Dft being Called, The sd verdict
is read as followeth (viz) We the Jury find for the plaintiffe / Richard: Chambers. foreman - - - - -
Which verdict as above was Ordered by the Court to be entered C And the said
John Tayler imediatly required an appeal, which by this Court was granted, giving Security C

James: Sangster. Plt Thomas: Miller of this County Sawyer was Sumoned to answer unto James Sangster

Contra. of the same County in an action upon the Case. - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Thomas: Miller. Deft And whereupon the plt by himself Comes and Sayes that the Deft is become & stands
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - indebted unto the plt in the full and just Sum of Seaven hundred & fifty pounds of
Tobacco as pr accot. here in Court produced, which said Sum the sd dft did faitfully assume & promise to pay in the hands
of William: Henderson. Yett the said deft litle regarding his sd assumption & promise, the same hath denyed & delayed
to pay, to the plts great loss and damage to the value of fifteen hundred pounds of tobacco, and thereupon brings this Suite

Tho: Miller Dr. Jary 1 st 1690/1 Ja: Sangster Quer pled Jno. Doe.
To the ball of yr former account. C 200 Rich: Roe
To Attorneys fees agt Culberwell --- 200
2 actions --------------------- The sd accot on the left hand was proved in Open Court by
To yr note by Rot. Houlston - - - - 150 The Oath of James: Sangster. to be justly due. C
To fees for your man. - - - - - - 100 It being the 3d: writt returned Non est Inventus. the sd
To fees for mr. Newbold. - - - - - 100 Sangster craved an Attachment agt the sd Miller, which by
To fees agt. Baker. - - - - - - - 100 this Court was granted. giving Security
Summa 850
By John: Henderson: - - - - - - 100
Ball. 750
Errors Excepted pr Ja. Sangster

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Somerset County Judicial Records, 1690-1691
Volume 191, Page 177   View pdf image (33K)
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