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Somerset County Judicial Records, 1690-1691
Volume 191, Page 176   View pdf image (33K)
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8ber 2d. Anno. 1691 ( 176 )
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Thomas: Gillett. Plt. Somerset County Ss.
Contra. John ffine of this County Cooper was attached to answer unto Thomas: Gillett
Jno. ffine Cooper Dft in a plea of debt
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - And the said Thomas Gillet by Edward Jones his Attorney saith that ye
Defendt upon the fourteenth day of May in the year of our Lord 1690. then became indebted unto the plt in
the Sum of nine hundred pounds of good sound Merchantable tobacco in Caske as doth more plainly appear by A
Certain writing under the hand and Seal of the Deft and here in Court produced But the Deft litle regarding
his promise and assumption but fraudulently intending him the sd Gillett in the sd Sum of nine hundred pounds
of tobacco, although often demanded, but hath hitherto refused to pay and Still doth refuse whereupon the plt
Saith he is damnified and hath loss to the value of 1800 Pounds of tobacco and thereupon brings his Suite
Jones pr Quer

Know all men by these presents that I John: ffine of the County of Somerset in the Province of Maryland Cooper
me my Heirs & Assigns do owe and stand justly indebted unto Thomas: Gillett of the Collony of Virginia unto
he his Heirs or Assigns, the full and just Sum of Nine hundred pounds of good Sound Merchantable tobacco in
Caske to be paid at or upon the tenth day of October next ensueing of the date hereof to be paid between Jno
Henderson Landing and William. Anderson Landing it being for a valuable Consideration in hand allready recd
as wittness my hand and Seal. this 14th. day of May 1690. John. T ffine his marke ? Sealed
William Henderson:
John I Williams his marke tob
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Judgment Confest by the sd ffine according to Declaracon viz for 900.
Evid. Sumd Jno. Williams Junr Ordr for the Same
Wm: Henderson. for plt.
Edwd. Jones sw for plte.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
John: Strawbridge Plt. Somerset County Ss. John: Taylor of this County was attached to answer
Contra. unto John: Strawbridge of the Same Count in an action of the Case.
John: Tayler. Dft. And whereupon the plte by James: Sangster his Attorney Comes & Sayes
- - - - - - - - - - - - that the sd John: Tayler is become and stands indebted to the sd John
Strawbridge the full and just Sum of Six hundred & fourty pounds of good
Sound mertable tobacco as doth & may appear by accot here in Court produced which sd Sum of 640,. of tob
the deft did faithfully assume and promise the plt to Satisfie & pay. Yet he the sd dft litle regarding his Said
assumption, the sd Sum hath denyed and yett doth deny to the plts great losse & damage to the value of
1290lb. of like tobacco, and hereupon brings this Suite
Ja: Sangster pr Qur. pled. Jno. Doe
Rich Roe
And John: Taylor by his Attorney Edward Jones Comes & Sayes, non assumpsit in manner & forme and
and thereupon puts him Self upon the Country Edward: Jones.

And the plt mentains the Declaracon in manner and forme pr Ja: Sangster. plt:

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Somerset County Judicial Records, 1690-1691
Volume 191, Page 176   View pdf image (33K)
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