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Somerset County Judicial Records, 1690-1691
Volume 191, Page 175   View pdf image (33K)
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( 175 ) 8ber Secundus 1691
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Mr Stephen Luffe Plt The Plt upon the 13th: day of June had a returne of
Contra Attachmt of 2434: But of that Only attached 1420
Christopher Snoswell Dft. for his sd Sum of 1420. The plt Cravews Execution
which by this Court is granted giving Security - - - -

The petition? of Sarah: Taylor Saith that y Deponent hath attended twenty three dayes as an Evidence between
between mr Henry: Lynch and Teague Riggon plt On the behalf of the plt & further Saith not
Sworn before me Robert Kins
And Walter Tayler hath attended as an Evidence three dayes on the behalf of Teague Riggon
and Thomas Nichols Dft. & further Saith not /
Sworn before Robert King

Andrew Poprell Plt. bef John: ffine Dft late of the County of Somerset Cooper was Sumoned to answer
Contra: unto Andrew Poprell of a plea that he render unto him the full and just Sum of three
John: ffine. Defendant Pounds eight shillings and four pence Current money of England (which to him he
and unjustly deteineth -----
And whereupon the sd Andrew by Peter Dent his Attorney Saith that whereas the said John the (31)th day of March in the
year of our Lord 1689/90 at Pocomoke within the Jurisdiction of this Court by his Certain Bill Obligatory which the sd
Andrew with the Seal of the said John bringeth here into Court the date whereof is the day and year aforesd acknowledged
himself to be bound to the said Andrew in the full & just Sum of three pounds eight shillings and four pence or ----good Porke
at the rate of One penny prr pound to be paid to the said Andrew at or upon the 10th day of November next ensueing the date
of the sd Bill at the house of William: Brittingham to the which the sd John bound himself firmly by the sd Bill. Nevertheless
the said John. the said Sum according to the tenour of the said Bill hath not paid to the damage of the sd Andrew of Six
Pounds Sterling & thereof he brings this Suit &c. Dent pr Quer Plegs &c. John: Doe
Rich. Roe

Know all men by these presents that I John ffine of the County of Somersett Cooper doth oblige myselfe my Heirs Extrs
Administrators & Assigns to unto Andrew Poprell his Heirs Execcutrs Admrs or assignes in ye
the full and jsut Sum of three pounds eight shillings and four pence Current money of England or Cg good Porke at the
Price of (One penny) pr tenth day of November next ensueing the date hereof to be paid at
the house of William Brittingham. lying in Virginia as wittness my hand and Seal this 26th: day of November 1689/90?
Signed Sealed and delivered in the presence of
John: Mulrany. Wm. Brittingham - - - - - his marke John: P ffine
his marke
Andrew Poprell Mariner doth assign? unto William: Brittingham ye above mentioned Obligation --
to receive in my absence for me and for my use, as wittness my hand the day and date above mentioned? Andrew Poprell
John: Mulrany
William ? Milword his marke/ Judgmt B gtered ffine; according to Cr
Order granted for the same

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Somerset County Judicial Records, 1690-1691
Volume 191, Page 175   View pdf image (33K)
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