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Somerset County Judicial Records, 1690-1691
Volume 191, Page 174  
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8ber Secunds: 1691 ( 174 )
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By account here in Court, but the Deft litle regarding his promise & assumption but fraudulently intending the
plt to deceive in the Sum of 880 pounds of tobacco although often demanded, but refuseth to pay and still doth
refuse, whereupon the plte Saith he is damnified and hath losse to the value of 1400 Pounds of tobacco & thereupon
brings his Suite. pr Quer Edward: Jones

The Defendt Comes and defends the force and injury and Sayes that the dft hath allready gott two other
Suites agt the sd plt which is a presumption that the said action is misuse and will not hold in Law: Nemo bis
punitur (ruinna?) delictu but withall we also plead that there is nothing due and accounted before Auditors neither
Can he prove the assumption, and this the Deft pleads in Barr of the action. and desires it may judged by ye Court
Ja. Tayler
And the Plt also Edward Jones.

Then was this following Deposition Produced in Court viz.

March the 15th 1689/90 The Deposition of Thomas Pool Senior Saith that when Teague Riggon Senior
mr Henry Lynch they came to Agreemts before tryall and mr Lynch paid him two pounds
of tobacco more then his demand whereupon mr Lynch Said Here Teague Ile Sue you for
my two pounds of tobacco, And further your Deponant Saith not Tho: Poole.
Sworne to pr Poole before mr Edmund: Howard - - - - - - - - - - - -

Then was this accot preferred viz.
mr Henry: Lynch Dr. for goods. dilivered to Robert Lynch Sarah: Taylor Evid Swr for plt.
1688. It. 95 Pounds of Bacon at 4 pr pll C 380 Teague Riggen Junr Swr for plt.
It. 200: Pounds of Porke - - - - - - - 300 Dft
It. one bushel of Salt - - - - - - - - 150 The matter being referred to the judgmt of
Teague + Riggons marke Order a Non Suit agt y plt

Teague Riggen Plt. Somerset County Ss
Contra Thomas Nichols late of this County was Summoned to answer unto,
Thomas. Nicholls Dft Teague Riggen in an action of the Case.
- - - - - - - - - - And whereupon the sd Teague by Edward Jones his Attorney Saith that
the Said Thomas in the year of our Lord 1690 then became indebted unto the
Plt in the Sum of 188 Pounds of tobacco as doth appear by accot and here in Court produced which Said Sum of 188
Pounds of tobacco the dft did faithfully promise to pay to the plt but the deft litle regarding his promise but
fraudulenlty intending the plt to deceive in the Sum of 188 Pounds of tobacco although often thereunto required
whereupon the plt Saith he is damnified and hath losse to the value of 400 Pounds of tobacco and thereupon brings
his Suit pr Quer. Edward Jones.
The dft pleads Satisfaction & thereupon putts himself upon the Court Ja Sangster
Thomas: Nichols Dr. 1690/91. Te Riggen Junr Sumd in Court
tto.a paire of Stockins C 60 and sworn for y plt. The Court orders a Non Suit agt the Plt.
to tax - - - - - - - 88 Walter Tayler Sumd deps for dft
to 1 hatt - - - - - - 40 Robt Catlin Sumd deps. for dft.
Teague + Riggen his marke

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Somerset County Judicial Records, 1690-1691
Volume 191, Page 174  
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