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Somerset County Judicial Records, 1690-1691
Volume 191, Page 156   View pdf image (33K)
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Entries Retournable the Second tuesday in September Ano Dom. 1691.
Cepi Caps. agt Edmund Butler to answer unto Edward ffowler plea of trespass on the Case.
Subp. Subpa. Thomas: Waller & Thomas: Holbrook Evid on part of the dft.
N.E.I. - Caps. agt ffrancis: Roberts. to answer unto William: Dent. plea of trespass on the Case.
Cepi. - Caps. agt John. Bishop to answer unto Wm. Dent plea of trespass on the Case. agreed saith Dent
3d writt - N.E.I. Caps. agt John: Rousalo to answer unto Teague Quillaine plea of trespass on the Case.
N.E.I. Caps. agt. John: Rowel. to answer unto Peter Dent. plea of trespass on the Case.
2d writt N.E.I. - - Caps. agt Isaac: Baker. to answer unto Wm. Brittingham. plea of debt.
Subpa Thomas: Davis & Robert: Blades. Evidences on part of the plt.
2d writt N.E.I. - - Caps. agt Thomas: Miller to answer unto William Brittingham. plea of debt. Dent has both bills
Subpa. James: Nevill & Thomas: Miller. Evid on part of the plt.
Cepi. - - Caps. agt. James: Barry to answer unto Patrick Read. plea that he render unto him One thousand
pound of tobacco which he oweth and unjustly deteineth.
Cepi. - - Caps. agt. William: Coulbourne Currier, to answer unto Peter. Whaples plea of debt. agreed
N.E.I. - - Caps. agt. Richard: Shockley to answer unto Peter. Whaples accon of the Case.
Cepi. - - Caps. agt. John: Langford to answer unto Andrew: Whittington. plea of trespass on the Case.
Cepi. - - Caps. agt. Nathaniel: Davis. to answer unto Arnold Elzey. plea of debt.
Made known before Dan:Selby & Scieri fac. for Peter Lowder to show cause if any he have why Execution might not be awarded
Parker:Selby Augt 4th: to pay Wm: Willmott Mercht. thre bushels of wheat & Charges Ordr obtained June Court 1691
Cepi. - - Caps. agt. John: ffine to answer unto Jacob: Preen plea of trespass on the Case.
Subpd. - Subpa John: Webb. Evidence on part of the plt. - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
N.E.I. - Caps. agt Wm: Henderson to answer unto Moses:ffenton plea that he render unto him three
Coppy left - foot of Cypresse plank which to him he Oweth & unjustly deteineth
N.E.I. B Caps agt Wm: Henderson to answer unto Moses.ffenton. plea that he render unto him three
Coppy left. thousand five hundred and fifty foot of Cypresse plank, which to him he oweth & unjustly
Caps. agt. William: Coulbourne Currier to answer unto Adam: Heatch. accon of the Case.
Subp: R:Catlin. - - Subpa. John: Davis of Animessex Robert Catlin & Hannah his wife Evidences for the plt.
N.E.I. Caps. agt John. Harris & Mary: Barnett now wife to ye sd Harris to answer unto Lewes: Knight
of Accamack. plea of debt.
Attachmt. on the goods Chattels, Debts & Credits of Christopher Snoswell. for 1014lb. of tob.
the remaining part of 2434lb: of tobacco. to answer unto mr Stephen Luffe high Sheriffe
Cepi. -- Caps. agt Somerset.Dickinson to answer unto Lawrence Crawford & Sarah his wife Admrx to John
White late of this County deceased. plea of debt.
Cepi. Caps. agt Samuel: Richardson to answer unto Wm: Noble ple of trespass upon the Case
all Subpad.- - Subpa. Ge:Noble: Jno.Watt. Ste: Bernard. Ro.Bennet. Edwd.Stevens Edwd.Deard Ralph:Doe for

3 Satisfaciendums agt Jonathan. Towers in the Suite of Esqr. Layfield to renew
1st. for 3334lb: tobacco debt. Cost 293: in all. 3627
2d. Caps ad. for 3333 tobacco debt. Cost 293 in all. 3626 } to be pd to Esqr Layfield pr Ordr
3d: Caps ad. for 3333 tobacco debt. Cost 293. in all. 3626 the 12th. day of June 1690.

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Somerset County Judicial Records, 1690-1691
Volume 191, Page 156   View pdf image (33K)
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