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Somerset County Judicial Records, 1690-1691
Volume 191, Page 155   View pdf image (33K)
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Entries Retournable the second tuesday in September. 1691
Cepi 2d writt Capias. agt John: Pitts to answer unto John: Vigerous. plea of trespass on the Case.
Both Subpad. --- Subpa. Richard: ffarewell. & John:Emmett. Evidences on part of the plt.
2d writt N.E.Invent. - Caps. agt Leonard: Jones to answer unto Charles Houghes, in a plea of trespass upon the Case
2d writt. N.E.I. Caps agt. Richard: Murrah. to answer unto John Magnett in an action of the Case
Caps agt. John. Poplewell to answer unto Stephen. Page plea of trespass on the Case.
Subpa. J T: Subpa. John: Taylor & John: Devorax Evidences on part of the plt.
Caps agt Thomas: Oxford to answer unto Stephen: Page & Bridgett his wife accon of Slander
Ordered not to Serve wrt.prplt. Subpa: John:Poplewell & William:Oswell Evidences on part of the plt.
Cepi:Cepi: - - Caps agt Stephen Page & Bridget his wife Admrx of the Estate of Arnold Parramore accon of the Case
N.E.I. ----- Caps. agt Charles: Mullen to answer unto William: Leyton. accon of Slander - - - - - - - - - - -
Subpa. Robt.Crouch.Wm.Curre. John:Goldsmith Junr. Wm.Goldsmith Hen Hayman & Wm Burch for ye
N.E.I. Attachment agt William Morris at the Suit of George Layfield Esqr. to be laid in the hand of Wm. Mead on
Order Obtained agt ye sd Morris by the sd Layfield ye of June last past for eight hundred & ninety two pds
N.E.I. Caps agt William Morris to answer unto mr James Round accon of the Case.
Cepi. - - Caps. agt Joseph: Bowles blacksmith to answer unto James Henderson plea of debt.
Caps agt Edward: Hammond to answer unto Wm Anderson of Accomack accon of the Case.
all. Subpnd - - Subpa. Matt: Scarbrough. Thomas: Selby Senior. James Maynard & James: Sangster. Evid for ye
N.E.I. B Caps agt James: Inglish to answer unto Charles: Mullen. plea of debt
N.E.I. B Caps agt William: Wright. to answer unto Alexander: Welch pr way of Complaint pr order
Caps. agt John: Conner & Walter Taylor, to answer unto Stephen Luffe high Sheriffe plea that they rendr
unto him the just Sum of three thousand pounds of tobacco in Caske which to him they owe & unjustly
N.E.I. but Caps agt Christopher Snoswell to answer unto Henry: Mayle of New York Mercht. plea yt he render unto him
Coppie writ left. the just Sum of five hundred Sixty one pound of Porke which to him he oweth & unjustly deteineth C
Subpa: Alexander: Thomas & William Carter. Evidence on part of the plt
Caps. agt. Christopher: Snoswell. to answer unto Henry: Mayle of New Yorke mercht. plea yt he render unto
One thousand Six hundred & fourteen pound of porke wch to him he oweth & unjustly deteineth.
Caps. agt Christopher. Snoswell to answer unto Sampson Waters plea that he render unto him the just Sum
N.E.I. of two hundred and fifty pound of Porke which to him he Oweth and unjustly deteineth.
Copie writ left. Subpa. mr. Stephen: Luffe. Evid on part of the plt
N.E.I. - - - - Caps agt Christopher Snoswell. to answer unto Luke Manlove. plea yt he render unto him One Cow & her
Copie left. - - Calfe & a two yeare Old Heifer. which to him he oweth and unjustly deteineth.
Cepi. - - Caps. agt. John: Rowell. to answer unto John: Emmett plea that he render unto him y just Sum of five
Seaventy Seaven pounds of tobacco & Caske wch to him he Oweth & unjustly deteineth. &c. - - - - - - - - -
Cepi. - - Caps. agt Joseph: Bowles, to answer unto John: Emmett plea of trespass on the Case.
Cepi. Caps agt Walter. Lane Admrr of all and Singuler the goods chattels & Credits of Josias Seaward deceased to
render unto.Hen:Lynch Mercht. plea that he render unto him the just Sum of Eight thousand nine hundred & fourty pounds of
tobacco &
Caske which from him he unjustly deteineth &c.
Cepi. C Caps agt Walter: Lane Admr of all and Singular the goods chattels & Credits of Josias Seaward deceased to
answer unto mr Henry Peter Bodkin. plea of trespas on the Case.

Cepi. C Caps agt Walter Lane Admr of all and Singular the goods Chattels and Credits of Josias Seaward deceased to answer
unto John: Vigerous. plea of Trespass on the Case.
Cepi. C Caps agt Walter: Lane to answer unto Thomas: Lewes. plea of trespass on the Case
both Subpad Subpa. Jeremiah: Gillet and Anne his wife Evid on part of the plt.
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Somerset County Judicial Records, 1690-1691
Volume 191, Page 155   View pdf image (33K)
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