tion, or to cut a channel through the same, and
otherwise to improve the navigation of the harbor of
Resolved, That his Excellency, the Governor, be re-
quested to transmit a copy of this preamble and
resolutions to our Senators and Representatives in
Congress, that they may be laid before the Senate
and House of Representatives.
Erection of a
No. 5.
WHEREAS, it is represented that the building used
as a Post Office in the City of Annapolis is unsuited
for that purpose, and that no other can be procured
to be adapted for such use; and
WHEREAS, the rents now paid for the Post Office
building, the Internal "Revenue office for this district
and for the Custom House, amount to a consider-
able sum, without adequate accommodations for these
officers, and it is deemed a measure of economy
that a building be erected for the use of the officers
above-named; therefore,
Be it resolved by the Grciwnl Assembly of Maryland,
That the Senators and Representatives in Congress
for this State, be and they are hereby rpqupstpd to
bring tins subject to the attention of Congress, and
use their efforts to procure an appropriation for the
erection of a building suitable to the purposes above
Resolved, That the Governor be and he is hereby
requested to transmit to our Senators and Representatives in Congress copies of this resolution, to be
laid before the Senate and House of Representatives.