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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1872
Volume 190, Page 3362   View pdf image (33K)
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No. 4.
Requesting our Senators and Representatives in
Congress to urge upon the General Government to
make an appropriation for the removal of obstruc-
tions near the mouth of the Severn River, and other
improvements to the harbor of Annapolis.
WHEREAS, The General Assembly of Maryland,
by their resolution number forty, at the December
session, eighteen hundred and seventeen, declared,
" that it is in the contemplation of the Government
of the United States to establish a naval depot at
some place best fitted for the purpose, and that the
harbor of Annapolis is, in all respects, well adapted
to answer that purpose, by reason of its central posi-
tion and other weighty considerations; provided, the
navigation of the Severn River should be facilitated
by the removal of a small and inconsiderable obstruc-
tion near the mouth of said river, and did therefore
make an appropriation for the removal of this bar.
or cutting a channel through the same; provided;
Annapolis be fixed upon as the place for the naval
depot; and
WHEREAS, Annapolis being the Lest harbor near-
est the Capitol of the United States, is often used by
our own and foreign vessels having communication?
with our Government at Washington, especially
since the establishment of the naval academy at
Annapolis, it is highly important to remove the
aforesaid obstructions therefore,
Be it resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland.
That the members of Congress, representing this
State, be and they are hereby requested to urge upon
the Congress of the United States to make an ade-
quate appropriation to remove the aforesaid obstruc-
by obstruction.


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1872
Volume 190, Page 3362   View pdf image (33K)
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