Congress to
make appro-
Copy to be
means to induce Congress to make an appropriation
to deepen the Patuxent River, and place buoys on
the bars and shoals of said river, from Benedict to
the head of steamboat navigation.
Resolved, That a copy of this preamble and resolu-
tion be furnished by his Excellency, the Governor,
to each of the Senators and Representatives in Con-
gress from the State of Maryland.
No. 3.
Requesting his Excellency, the Governor, to cause
to be presented to the Law Library of the City of
Chicago a copy of the Reports of the Court of Ap-
peals of this State, and. also of the Code of Public
General and Public Local Laws, Johnson's Maryland
Chancery Reports, Bozman's History of Maryland
and Alexander's British Statutes.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
his Excellency the Governor be and is hereby re-
spectfully requested to cause to be transmitted to the
Chicago Law Institute one copy of the Maryland Re-
ports, from volume one to thirty-three inclusive; one
copy of the Code of Public General and Public Local
Laws and Supplements, Johnson's Maryland Chan-
cery Reports, Alexander's British Statutes and Boz-
man's History of Maryland.